I am a recent purchaser of a Snapper Pro Hydro walk behind mower. 36" deck, 14 vtwin briggs and Stratton motor. Model # for mower is PL7H140KW. I got this from a buddy of mine who hasn't used it in about 4 years. He stated it use to run and all it needed was a starter. Well I have scoured the internet to try and determine what starter goes on this mower. Have even reached out to Briggs and Stratton but have not gotten a response from them.
It seems as though there are two options on the starter but it goes by starter housing width???? 3 5/8" or 4 1/2". Can anybody shed some light on which size I might need to purchase to see if I can get this old beast running? The number I found for the engine are as follows: briggs and stratton 400707 0114 01 86011312
Thanks in advance for any all info.
Assuming you don't have the old starter to compare lengths. That is one of the issues that the dealers have to deal with also because we have to compare the starter lengths also. Both starters were used on that series of engines. If the longer starter will fit without interfering with block components then that is the one that you.
Same type of issue comes up with the opposed twin briggs over the three or four bolt fuel pump on the front of the carb. IPL shows both carbs but doesn't say which carb is on which engine. So imagine customer calls needing carb repair kit, and you ask three or four bolt carb, and they say you are the dealer you tell me.
My mistake I thought I added that in on first post. You are correct, I don't have the starter to compare it too. I will snap a picture in a few minutes and post it. That may help out a little bit. Yeah parts list are tough to follow and or decipher these days. Too many different styles or models to go with basically a master parts lists. But I guess its better than having none. Because idiots like me, would never get things back together...LOL.... Pic to follow soon. Thanks for the reply.
Here are a few photos of the mower. The photo labeled Snapper2 has arrows pointing to where I assume the starter goes. Hopefully it will help in identifying which size starter I need. Thanks for any and all advice.
Seems like I remember the first engines that came out of that style had the shorter starter, and the longer starter came into play with the 18.5-20.5 hp range engines toward the later production run. The longer starter will give you more starting torque but need to see if there is anything that sticks out from the block that could get in the way of the longer starter. Oil pan mounting bolt/flanges that type of thing.
Thanks for the reply's. You guys/gals that take time to help out those of us that ain't got a clue, says a lot about your character. Theres a man in the John Deere forum that is helping me out with my riding mower and I'm just truly appreciative of you alls help. But enough of the mushy talk. So, I am assuming you want some pics that could help answer the questions and I tried to get some that might help shed some light on the starter width/ length or what have you. If these don't help let me know of a better way to try and show it and I will get it done. Thanks again.
In your last picture looks like a oil pan mounting bolt flange sticking out what would be behind the zip tie. how far is it from that point to the starter mounting studs.
In your last picture looks like a oil pan mounting bolt flange sticking out what would be behind the zip tie. how far is it from that point to the starter mounting studs.
So to me it looks like there is about 3 1/2" clearance to the hydraulic hoses. and then about 10" or so to the bottom. Hopefully the pictures will show what I am talking about.
I think you will be able to use the long starter. some of the blocks have protrusions that would interfere with the bottom of the starter. which is the reason for the shorter starter. Also the smaller hp engines would use the shorter starter. Seems like some people did some block mods to make room for the longer starter also.
Heres a video of a guy working on a starter in that area for a look.
Watched the video and he had the part number 497596 on his you tube channel. Went tp briggs and Stratton website and the part number does lead to a starter with the description of:
-Genuine replacement electric starter used on selectTwin Cylinder engines. This OEM part ensures proper fit and performance to maintain the life of your Briggs & Stratton engine.
Seems to me that this one would be the 3 5/8" wide and it is about 7" long. There is also another option when I search that part number, the description reads---
"Display pack of 1 (497596) starter motor. Genuine replacement electric starter used on select opposed twin cylinder engines from 14 24 HP. This OEM part ensures proper fit and performance to maintain the life of your Briggs & Stratton engine."
That one looks to be 4 1/4" wide by the same 7" tall or long. Is there an advantage to using one over the other? Would the mounting holes on the mower work with either or starter?
Thanks for sending the info ILENGINE. I do appreciate the back and forth and all the help you have provided. Have a good one.
The advantage of using the longer starter is it creates a higher starting torque.