I'd stay with your first choice and go with the Scag, first choice is always the best choice besides it's a lot better mower. It has better drives than the Snapper 5400 It has the dual 10cc pumps and large capacity wheel motors and there a lot more responsive than the Hydro gear stuff and you can get the Tiger cat with the Kawasaki FX engine and velocity deck which are better than the snapper has IMO. Besides that unless your mowing for a living you don't need 5400 drives for anything. The only thing the 5400 drives will do for you is get you a faster transport speed, it's not going to cut any faster. Transport speeds come in handy when your a mile or two from the truck and trailer mowing and you need to get back quicker, that's why the pro's use them. The other nice thing about the Scag is your resale will be better down the road if you should decide to sell it sometime.