The problem is we are now in an era with $25 carb repair kits on $20 complete carbs or $50 kits on $65 carbs. And add in the issue with today's primer bulb carbs that have a high check valve failure rate when they are opened up for repair. Also there are a lot of engines now that don't even offer repair kits, it is complete replacement carbs only.
I can get cube carbs for as low as $ 15 (Aus) with warranty, Honda carbs for less than the retail price of a rebuild kit, although the margin between wholesale & retail is dropping like a stone .
Ultimately this will be a disaster but for now it is a bonanza for owners and will send a lot like me to the wall.
Then all of a sudden raw materials will start to become scarce and home owners will be forced to accept much higher prices for new materials.
As a person with an engineering background profligate wasting of raw materials , which are in fact finite , distresses me greatly, particularly when I know they are being highly subsidised for political or economic idoligy.
Zinc ore prices are triple what they were 20 years ago & scrap zinc prices are twice what they used to be yet finished zinc products are half what they used to be .
Iron ore prices follow a similar pattern but at least they increase the CO2 content of the air by removing the Oxygen from the oxide ores, but base metals like Zinc and Copper come from sulphite/sulphide ores so generate massive amounts of sulphuric acid which is dumped into the middle of the oceans and consume massive amounts of oxygen that is locked into the slags, forever.
The only metal that is effectively recycled is lead and that is because it is mainly used in automotive batteries where nearly 95% of it is recycled.
Zinc is less than 5% steel runs at around 25% and copper comes in at nearly 30% but that is dropping too as we convert to plastic plumbing.