You already have 2 replies telling you that you will not find Stihl manuals on line and both of us offered to email you a copy of what we had.
Stihl will not allow any of it's IT to be held on line.
If you do a thorough search you will find hundreds of links to Stihl manuals and all of them will bring up a 404 page not found error because Stihl make you take them down.
Every now & then you might find some on evilbay and in most cases you get outbid ( by Stihl ).
I was lucky enough to get a digital download of Stihl's web site several years ago , again off evilbay.
Ebay sent me a notice that the product was no longer available & the lister had been banned within hours of my purchase.
So if you see something, get it quick.
Some of the European parts shops will give you read only access to selected parts books.
OTOH just about every owners manual is available as a free download from Stihl.
Offer still stands.
Click on my name to open the members page & send me a private email.
I generally check this site out when I stop for a cup of tea or sit down to place a parts order, just remember I am in OZ so my time is your tomorrow.