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Selling a Used Mower




How do you prefer to sell your used mowers? I have one brush cutter that still works, plus a lawn mower that's having trouble. Can't decide whether to post an ad online, put up a sign at the mower shop, use our local freebie paper or just put them beside the road with a sign like I do my used cars.




If I'm not needing to replace the mower (so part exchange is out), I usually advertise in the lcoal paper. It's free if the ad. is less than 25 words or so. The problem you have is that one is not working well so you'd have to have enough space to mention that. Perhaps the local mower shop is better in that case.




Be generous and give it to a Charity..........you have had your moneys worth.....show some copassion for some poor Folk.:ashamed:




Ive bought and sold several mowers and accessaries on local Craigslist.org




Why sell it.......give it to a Charity.........be a giver!:biggrin:




We have a lawn and garden shop here that I have done business with for years. I swiched over to an electric mower and had no use for my old gas one, which needed a little carburator work. So I had them do the work, then they let me put out on their show floor for sale with their cut being 10%. Win-win!




How do you prefer to sell your used mowers? I have one brush cutter that still works, plus a lawn mower that's having trouble. Can't decide whether to post an ad online, put up a sign at the mower shop, use our local freebie paper or just put them beside the road with a sign like I do my used cars.

Personally, I don't think I've ever sold a mower. I usually run them until they're totally used up, then I go buy a new one (or a good used one) and use the old one for parts, or take it to the scrap yard.




Put it out by the road with a free sign on it. You'll end up making someone's day.




How do you prefer to sell your used mowers? I have one brush cutter that still works, plus a lawn mower that's having trouble. Can't decide whether to post an ad online, put up a sign at the mower shop, use our local freebie paper or just put them beside the road with a sign like I do my used cars.

Hello Andyman! Why do you sell your used mowers? You have no use for them anymore? My friends use their mower until they buy new one or the mower is no longer useful. That's why I'm curious.

How much would you sell them? Again, just curious.




If I were in your shoe, I will do it online. Aside from the comfort, I think more and more shoppers are now shopping online.

Hello Andyman! Why do you sell your used mowers? You have no use for them anymore? My friends use their mower until they buy new one or the mower is no longer useful. That's why I'm curious.

How much would you sell them? Again, just curious.




I take a couple of good pics and post it on local Craigslist. Can't beat the price...FREE!!!!!!



Mean Machine

Sometimes equipment rental places will buy up lawn equipment to add to their inventory, especially if it's in good shape, and especially if it's an offer they can't refuse.




A combination of different media would be great. Advertise in online classifieds. Craigs list is huge, or so I hear. Put up a signage on your hard. Email friends. Announce it on Facebook and Twitter. Distribute leaflets on people's mail boxes. Tell everyone you know and let the word out via word-of-mouth.



Green Girl

At work we have an employees only web site. The site is there mostly for getting info on benefits and policy and for job postings. As kind of a "perk", they made a spot on site for classified ads. I have sold several items that way.




Hello Andyman! Why do you sell your used mowers? You have no use for them anymore? My friends use their mower until they buy new one or the mower is no longer useful. That's why I'm curious.

To me, a mower is just like a car. I'll continue to fix it my self until it develops problems that I can't (or don't want to) deal with. (Like fuel leaks.) At that point I'll get a new one and sell the old one to someone who knows how to deal with that problem.

How much would you sell them? Again, just curious.

Depends on who they are, how much they have, and how badly I want to get rid of it. :wink:
