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second hand mower




Is $500 too much to pay for an older John Deere Ride on mower, I found one on Craigslist and was going to go look at it but wanted to know if it was worth my time. It seems like an older model but looks to be in decent shape.




Do you recall what model it is?
If it is in decent shape... you have to consider what type of mower you can buy with that much $.... :smile:KennyV



Mac 624

not really helpfull, but in Germany every JD Mower in working condition, didnエt matter what shape, will be sold in a hurry, if it would only cost 500 USD.

cheapest MTD side discharging, 1300 USD, new

Rasentraktoren mit Seitenauswurf - MotorLand.net

with rear discharching and bag 1683 USD, new

Rasentraktoren von 74-90 cm Schnittbreite - MotorLand.net

If I compare to a side discharger at Homedepot:


which is awfully cheap with appr. 1100 Euro, it makes no sense to buy a used one.

PS: IN Germany JD mowers only can be bought at JD Dealerships.




Don't forget that you have to fix transportation for it from the seller to wherever you are. That will add something to the overall costings. Buying anything used is a risk but it could well be worth taking if you really want it.




Is $500 too much to pay for an older John Deere Ride on mower, I found one on Craigslist and was going to go look at it but wanted to know if it was worth my time. It seems like an older model but looks to be in decent shape.

Chances are and this is just my opinion, if it's on Craigslist it probably isn't worth what there asking. You can find an occasional deal now and then but most of the time you're buying another persons problems or they wouldn't be selling it.




1998 John Deere LT155, this is the model, says he will deliver within 50 miles for another $50. Maybe I will get one of my guy friends to go check it out, the picture makes it look nice...




Heck I think it's a good deal. Why would something be not worth it because it's on craigslist? I sell things on craigslist a lot. $500 is not a lot for a riding mower, especially a Johnny. It's worth a look at anyway.




1998 John Deere LT155, this is the model, says he will deliver within 50 miles for another $50. Maybe I will get one of my guy friends to go check it out, the picture makes it look nice...

If in any running condition it is worth the asking price...
Have one of your guy friends just bring it back with him after he looks at it...
Second Hand is almost ALWAYS going to be worth getting...

I am also with Usedtorent..
CraigsList is an excellent source for great bargains:thumbsup:
... Honey hope you Get many comfortable miles on your new to you rider...:smile:KennyV




Heck I think it's a good deal. Why would something be not worth it because it's on craigslist? I sell things on craigslist a lot. $500 is not a lot for a riding mower, especially a Johnny. It's worth a look at anyway.

Craigslist has nothing to do with it. Were talking about a twelve year old mower that probably has a ton of hours on the motor and if it's all original is going to start nickel and dim-en you to death and anyone who thinks he or she is going to buy a twelve year old mower and not pay for repairs of some nature isn't thinking clearly. Just think about, if it's all original chances are a lot of things need replacing or will need replacing in the very near future like decks, spindles, belts and so on which you could easily drop another 5 to 8 hundred dollars on, a deck alone could run $3 or $4 hundred and god knows how what condition motor or the drive system is in and you sure can't really tell by driving the thing around the block. In the end you could easily have a $1k to $15 hundred dollars investment in a $500 dollar twelve year old mower and you'll never be able to get that money back. :rolleyes: To me the figures just don't add up when I could go to Lowes and buy a JD mower new for $1599 and not have all the headaches.




$500 for a ride on mower isn't much, I think, even in my country. Del Monte uses many of those ride on mowers for the central plaza, which has two soccer fields, two baseball diamonds and thrice more space besides.

I don't know how big the lawns are in Germany. But buying a brand new one for home use at thrice the cost is something I would think about a lot. If you like to tinker with engines and gadgets anyway, a second hand unit should do.




If you check used equipment prices you will see that there are a LOT of older lawn tractors bringing nearly as much used as a new lawn tractor built today.

A $500 mower that is 15 years old will have a MUCH better deck on it, and the spindles were built with heavy steel castings that are serviceable... that deck will most likely be around after another 15 years.
I know that by looking at my early 1970's Cub Cadette 1450... It has mowed over 5 acres every year for its first 25 years, and still mows it's share since. Lots of snow removal and general yard work hauling.
It has used up MANY sets of blades ... Still cuts perfectly, like the day it was new!
It may, at some point, start "nickel and dim-en" me but it's almost 40 years of service now... and has not started yet. PLUS if I sold it today, it still is selling for over $1000. A friend of mine always liked mine so he started looking for one... after looking at quite a few he spent $1150 and has a nice 35 year old... with still a lot of years in it.
You will find that good used equipment is always worth owning... :smile:KennyV




If you check used equipment prices you will see that there are a LOT of older lawn tractors bringing nearly as much used as a new lawn tractor built today.

If you're looking at Older Equipment 30 years+ yes that is true but if that were true about today's equipment then why would I buy used and probably re-built instead of new.

A $500 mower that is 15 years old will have a MUCH better deck on it, and the spindles were built with heavy steel castings that are serviceable... that deck will most likely be around after another 15 years.

I worked for the county and they purchased JD mowers for us back in 1998 and we went through two complete decks yearly and replaced the B&S motors one time a year until they finally figured out that they were not worth having and went with the Dixie Chopper ZTR. So please don't tell me about how much better those decks are I replaced and patched to many at work.

You said you'll will find that good used equipment is always worth owning...Looking at your early 1970's Cub Cadet 1450... That's almost 40 years old, yes that be the case and it mite be worth some money to the right person because of its age but its not a twelve year old ragged out JD.
There's a big difference between equipment that was made 40 years ago and equipment made with in the last 15 years.:smile:




To get back to the original post question... Is the mower she found on CraigsList worth $500...
(That mower she said is a 1998 John Deere LT155).

I and others have agreed it definitely should be...
To further support that position... Here is a current, same year and model, used mower for sale at TractorHouse.com (respected source & they sell a LOT of used equipment)
1998 JOHN DEERE LT155 Riding Lawn Mowers For Sale At TractorHouse.com
Their price ... $1,595 for "USED 1998 JOHN DEERE LT155 38" DECK GOOD PAINT, SEAT, TIRES, STARTS AND RUNS GOOD"

I did not say that all used equipment is always worth owning, and I had not meant to imply that all John Deere mowers from any certain year are equally good property.

Just because it is used and for sale does not equate to someone trying to get rid of their problem.

Many if not most people have found solid value in used equipment.
In any case, :smile: good used equipment is always worth owning. :smile:KennyV




To get back to the original post question... Is the mower she found on CraigsList worth $500...
(That mower she said is a 1998 John Deere LT155).

I and others have agreed it definitely should be...
To further support that position... Here is a current, same year and model, used mower for sale at TractorHouse.com (respected source & they sell a LOT of used equipment)
1998 JOHN DEERE LT155 Riding Lawn Mowers For Sale At TractorHouse.com
Their price ... $1,595 for "USED 1998 JOHN DEERE LT155 38" DECK GOOD PAINT, SEAT, TIRES, STARTS AND RUNS GOOD"

Ok great you can buy this used 12 year old mower for $1595 with a 15hp motor with a 38" cut. Question why would I spend $1595 for that when I can buy a new Cub Cadet 1045 with a 20hp Kohler for $1699 Cub Cadetョ LTX 1045 Riding Lawn Tractor or a John Deere LA 115 for $1699 with a 19.5 hp engine with a warranty, and just fyi the CC comes from a dealer not a BBS :smile:




Thanks guys, my friend went to look at it and he bought it for me. It is in mint condition, it was kind of a pre-estate auction type thing. They posted a bunch of stuff on craigslist to see if anyone was interested before the estate auction. It has low hours and is in very good shape. It also has a hitch on it and can haul a trailer




1998 John Deere LT155, this is the model, says he will deliver within 50 miles for another $50. Maybe I will get one of my guy friends to go check it out, the picture makes it look nice...

Honey ... I do hope you found this mower to be worth the $500... Happy mowing.

Great ... I see you got posted at the same time I did. GREAT buy....!!!




Thanks guys, my friend went to look at it and he bought it for me. It is in mint condition, it was kind of a pre-estate auction type thing. They posted a bunch of stuff on craigslist to see if anyone was interested before the estate auction. It has low hours and is in very good shape. It also has a hitch on it and can haul a trailer

That's excellent news. I love a good bargain and you seem to have definitely picked one out/up here. I wonder if there was anything else you could have gotten? Enjoy your new machine and maybe post some pictures if you can.




I will take some pics once I get her cleaned up, it is not hard to tell she was in storage, she is dirty but runs like a gem. I am happy I decided to go look at her, some days you really can find a good bargain.




for 5 you did well here in Canada they sell for 5 up to 8 depending on shape and condition Did you get a warranty on it or was it as is where is ......The reason i ask is because i sell all mine with a warranty




No, it was as is where is, but I say it is in good shape, barely used really, not many hours at all considering the age. I am happy with my find, thats for sure.




No, it was as is where is, but I say it is in good shape, barely used really, not many hours at all considering the age. I am happy with my find, thats for sure.

you did well...Have you tried it out yet
