Samsung is retarded


Lawn Addict
Apr 16, 2018
So like 2 years ago, I bought a cheap 43" TCL TV. I wasn't expecting a miracle with it. But I've never had a TV that didn't last at least 10 years. Well, it goes out on me last night. (LED light strips)
So I decided to get a Samsung 55" crystal uhd they had at Walmart. The website said it was $479. So I called and the lady in electronics told me it was $368. So I rushed right on over and got it. I said hello to a good buy.
Got it home. Finally got it mounted on the wall and turned it on. Well, this is where the fun begins.

Before I could use the streaming services, I had to sign in to my samsung account, that I hadn't signed onto since I got my phone 3 or 4 years ago. Luckily, I remembered my password. But that still didn't get me into the account. They wanted to make sure I was me. (I knew it was me because I recognized my voice and underwear) But that wasn't good enough for them. They wanted to send me a passcode to an old phone number. So I get Sammy Sung on the phone, thinking that taking directly to them would straighten everything out.

Wrong. They also needed my old number, in order to change it to the new number. I told the "representative" from the middle east, with an American name, that they needed to set up separate accounts for old people who don't care about password, pass codes and email. Oh, and they should be like every other company on the planet that allows you to call them and correct anything right then and there.

I won't go into the screaming match I had with Jabeeb, but the long and the short of it is, I finally got a rep that would actually listen to me. And then found something with my old number on it. All good right?
Wrong. I had to submit a phone number change request, that will take two weeks to be "verified."

I just wanna watch the darn TV.

P.S. I outsmarted them all (afterwards). I took the ROKU out of the office and put in on that TV.

The moral of this story, I suppose, is they're getting stupid with having to have an email, passwords and all this other crap for simple, thoughtless things like watching TV.


Lawn Royalty
Feb 19, 2020
That's why I have Roku here for several years but as you my set failed because was a rooster decide to attack it. The new cheap TCL set has Roku built-in that I got from Tramlaw. The only issue has been them updating the system. They just keep changing things.


Lawn Addict
Jan 10, 2020
The last church A/V install I did used a pair of 80" Sony TVs. What a PITA!!!. All they want is to send graphics from a computer. If the TV is not on wifi internet you can't get past the startup screen looking for wifi. Took half hour just to get past all the BS. New TVs are a POS.


Lawn Addict
Apr 16, 2018
That's why I have Roku here for several years but as you my set failed because was a rooster decide to attack it. The new cheap TCL set has Roku built-in that I got from Tramlaw. The only issue has been them updating the system. They just keep changing things.

Right. The TCL TV that just went out, had ROKU built into it. That, and the price, was the reason I bought it. Easy, peasy Japaneasy.
Smart TV's allow you access those same streaming channels. But I just don't see the need to have to have a Samsung account.

I was thinking about getting one of those Samsung washing machines, that I can operate with my phone. Because the wash room is on the other side of the house, on the other side of the garage. But I'm guessing I'll have to have a darn email and password for that too.. So I think I'll stick with the old GE, that easy to fix everything on it.

I love new technology. But it's a huge take away from reliability and longevity. It's too complicated and you have to replace it way too often.


Lawn Royalty
Feb 19, 2020
And it sorta like here where companies demand and insist on a cell phone number. I can't get it through to their brain that I don't have a cell phone due to no coverage in my area. I not going for something that I can't use.


Lawn Addict
Apr 16, 2018
And it sorta like here where companies demand and insist on a cell phone number. I can't get it through to their brain that I don't have a cell phone due to no coverage in my area. I not going for something that I can't use.

I just found out that Samsung has a streaming channel. So I put the app on my ROKU, and guess what? I can't watch it til my new phone number gets changed in their system. LMAO


Lawn Addict
Apr 16, 2018
I went to some pizza joint one time and they wanted my phone number. I wouldn't give it to them. I was sick of spam calls and knew darn well, they'd be selling it to some other spammers.
The guy waiting behind me, said just give them a fake number.
I was like, 1, I'm not giving them my number. And 2, I'm not going to lie to someone just to get a pizza.
So I told the pizza clerk, "Fine, I'll just go to walmart and get one of their fancy ones and cook it myself.

About 5 minutes later is dawned on me. I could've given out my ex's phone number.


Lawn Pro
Sep 5, 2014
Yes you could have.. IDK, have a Samsung 55" & it's been fine. (Hope I didn't just jinx it) ..


Lawn Addict
Apr 16, 2018
Yes you could have.. IDK, have a Samsung 55" & it's been fine. (Hope I didn't just jinx it) ..

Samsung products have always been good. I think I bought the washing machine (that the ex has now) about 12 years ago. And it's never had a problem. All of my phones since way before them have been Samsung. Except for the one LG I got from WM a few years ago. That thing didn't last hardly a year. The only thing it's good for is to listen to spotify through my blue tooth speaker in the shop.

BTW, I love this picture on the new TV. It's almost too clear. And I'm glad I went with the 55". That TCL 43" I was watching, sometimes I'd have to put on my glasses to read something on the screen.