Ryobi hedge cutter Ruixing


Lawn Addict
Sep 27, 2017
have a Ryobi hedge cutter that is not well made. Think it is the same as Homelite. About 10 years old. The muffler broke thru and had to be replaced, also the carb (Ruixing) has been replaced once. I ordered some parts from Jacks the web site said were in stock but it has been six weeks now that they took my money and kept promising to send the parts they say are on back order. Never could find carb rebuild kits on the Ruixing carbs for much less than a new genuine carb. But I am so pissed off at Jacks for billing my Visa two months ago and just sitting on the money that I decided to look for a kit. There is a company in Beaumont California named CarbTech21 who has them (minus the needle) for really reasonable now. It was $19 for two kits shipped to me. So for half the price of a new carb I have now rebuilt the two I have, the hedge trimmer works again really well, and tomorrow Jacks will have to cancel the order and refund me. This is the second and last time I will deal with them anymore since they were sold and service has gone way down hill in my opinion. The Ruixing kit for this one is CTS RX-1 https://www.carbtech21.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=RX-1 and it looks exactly like the original parts. Of course, made in China like the originals. He also had the pacman tool to tweak this carb.
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Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
Without the hedger actual number there is no way to even with my regulator Ryobi parts distributor.

BTW will refund you if the parts become unavailable. I been dealing with Jack's Small Engines since 2009.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Every on line parts retailer takes your money first then you wait till ( and if ) they become available.
Cheaper brands do not have any parts back up once the model is no longer made .
This is one reason why they are cheap to start with .


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Ruxing rebuild kits are available but you have to order them direct from China
Either from the maker direct ( MOQ apply ) or via Alibaba / made-in-china.com ( us the "send me a sample" which is a bit higher price than the advertised price )
Other than that most Ruxing carbs will take a Walbro or Zama kit & some times parts from 2 both .
The deal Rizing have with most makers is they have no downstream parts supply so you have to buy a new carb from Ryobi.


Lawn Addict
Sep 27, 2017
True - until I found the carbtech21 who sells the rebuild kits. Before that all the kits I found were only two or three dollars less than a whole new carb. The shipping these days is expensive but if multiple kits are ordered it can be spread across them. I'll have to look thru my spare Zama and Ruixing carbs to see if I need any additional kits. I was just happy to find a local USA source for the common parts that fail. The neat thing is that the hedge trimmer runs really well again. :) Time to call Jacks if they have not shipped. They promised me the parts would go out last week if I didn't cancel. Well I didn't cancel and as of last night Jacks had not shipped. I have dealt with them for over 20 years. I think Northern Tool bought them. When the old Jacks had all but one part they would call or e-mail me, and ask me what I wanted to do BEFORE they charged me. Then we moved forward. Now their site says in stock ships in 1 - 3 days, and you get billed. A week later it shows extended delay on the part(s) they didn't have. If you break the order up they charge more for shipping. If you take what they have, they get rewarded for lying about what they had in stock. I don't reward companies that lie to me. Itis why I stopped buying from Sears Repair when they started doing those same things.


Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
Ever since Jacks was sold out they have started having more and more problems. Now I beginning to wonder if I should keep ordering from them myself. Both of the last two orders ended up being cancelled. One due the OEM putting the parts on a six month back order and then Toro Dingo parts were placed on back order and two week later cancel as NLA when in fact the parts were available as I got them through another vendor.

Most of the Ruixing cubes are Zama clones so you can piece together a kit using Zama parts.


Lawn Addict
Sep 27, 2017
yes, this is my second order in a row that cancelled and had to be refunded.
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