Thanks to all who responded to my ranting, I have been unable to connect to the Internet for several days now to read the replies. Yes, cats can be controlled...I was out with ours keeping track of them when that dog showed up.
PEOPLE WHO LET THEIR PETS ROAM ARE IRRESPONSIBLE, no matter what type they have. About four years ago, there was a huge German Shepherd in our yard, I recognized it as the valuable K-9 canine belonging to a neighbor who lives within shouting distance, it chased one of our cats 20 feet up a tree. I sent the neighbor a Blackberry message letting him know where his dog was, and he came out and called it home. Then I got out the ladder and rescued the cat. Following that, I walked down to the neighbor, who is a cop...we are on good terms, but I told him if the same type of thing happened again I would use force (I usually carry a .380) if his dog chased or hurt one of our pets....he apologized and said it would never happen again, and it hasn't. My wife thinks I am wrong to use force but according to the law you can legally use force in the situation I posted about.
What is sad is, it's not the pets fault, most's the pet OWNER who is at fault.