VERRRRYYY interesting(BTW, nice lookin' Chevy's:0). My one-and-only concern if I were buying(knowing I want "Commercial" quality/durability) is the FR series Kawasaki(Residential rating). Can you get an engine upgrade to the Kawa FS(Heavy Duty) series or FX(Commercial) series...my preference??? And what kind of OTD(Out-The-Door) money is the dealer talking about on this? No doubt, though a nice looking high-end Residential mower(with a fine-looking cut).
How many "total" anti-scalp wheels does the deck have??? From the front view looks like one on left(from rider view) and a nose roller, but none on the right(chute) side...kinda unusual. Are there any on the rear of the deck?? They also are braced with a single L-angle brace. On my Gravely there is a dual nose roller and one on each side of the front(double, not single angle iron bracing). See attached picture for what I am referring to about the anti-scalp wheels. It also has two rollers in the back on the inside of the deck. Of course there doesn't appear to be any indications of scalping in your pictures.
dj-- Actually there is a new line that isn't on the website yet-EdgeXLT that I am looking at. It is their top of the line residential model and has only the ZT2800 hydros, but does have a pivoting front axle and the Kawi motor. I am comparing it to the Gravely ZT52HD which is also the top end resoidential mower which has the ZT3100 hydros and also the Kawi motor. I will mow approx. 70-80 hours per year and pretty rough terrain as far as yards go.
When it comes to budget, you go for the most "want" items after the " must need" items has been met. Being over-informed has a tendency to make folks over buy (which I am already doing) to the point of obsession, second guessing, then obsessing some more. The FR motor is adequate, and then some, for the same task that I've asked my 17.5hp Kohler Commander to do for the last 9 years, and could probably do 9 more for its condition. But I want more........
Only 2, but they work well.
Only you can decide what machine "meets your needs" and by no means am I discouraging the Big Dog purchase(after all, they ARE built by Hustler who got the highest overall rating by their dealership network over ALL the other Outodoor Power Equipment manufacturers....even the infamous Scag, Grasshopper and other big names). And when it comes to over buying I'm VERY guilty of that(with 1.5 acres of mostly flat lawn a 52" Commercial ZTR is a wee bit of overkill:0) I had the money available now, am fixing to retire and wanted something that would be relatively problem free for the rest of my life. So I "intentionally" over-bought what I "needed". Besides, my 6-year-old grandson will look real good on my Gravely when his dad hands it down to him:0)
Just got off that Big Dog cutting the 2.3 acres for the second time.
No wonder they named it that! The rest need to stay on the porch!
1.5 hours and used only about 1.5 gallons of fuel. I'm getting better and more impressed with each use!
The neighbor cut his yesterday with their Toro and the cut quality of the two yards is very markedly different. Both cut within 24 hrs of each other, 1 1/2 weeks ago and today. I only passed over mine ONCE. Mine is closest, theirs is full of hay, see below.
What a piece of junk, http://www.toro.com/en-us/homeowner.../pages/model.aspx?pid=timecutter-ss5000-74631
There is a time limit for editing their own thread/OP for updates?
The Big Dog has been returned to the dealer, and I have been fully refunded on 5/7/13
I liked the mower overall, as far as design and construction go, and spec-wise, it ticked all my desired boxes.
There were couple issues had concerning this purchase:
- 1- The throttle design on this particular design of mower turned out to be something that needs to be better designed. The throttle (actually a hydro-static speed forward/reverse control, not fuel), would not return to neutral position when released, making you have to manually turn it back to slow down/stop.
- 2- Full forward/reverse required more rotation of the handle beyond a persons natural wrist rotation range, requiring you to let go and re-grip to get to full forward/reverse, making item 1 above loads of fun if you need to do a sudden slow down/stop.
- 3- My salesperson turned out to be a vinegar & water feminine hygiene product.
During haggling, I switched up negotiations from being financed to a straight up cash price. I asked him to write down the final purchase price on a piece of paper, and I would have the wife get me a stack of Benjamin's. Well, we came to an agreement and I dropped it off payment on the way home from work, but he was not there, so a co-worker accepted it. So I called Friday to say I was stopping by to pick up the invoice and and all the manual stuff that they had still. He tells me that he needs an additional $322 to cover sales tax. I flipped and asked why he didn't include that in his written figure, since I was having to withdraw a large sum of cash for this buy? He says it slipped his mind, because of all the stress he was going thru during his business's ONGOING TAX AUDIT. I told him that was all I would pay, and either figure a way to make it work (I offered an out of state purchase option, Dad has same name in NJ) or come and get it. He took option B.
Now, I am awaiting the arrival of my Husqvarna M-ZT 52.
It was one of your recommendations that had put it on my radar, and spurred me into looking at it deeper, when this deal started heading south. None of my local dealers had any in stock, but after an expanded search, I found some inventory 60 miles from me. I took a long lunch the other day and went and took a test ride at a dealer. It is a awesome mower, and for how it's equipped, it will give their PZT line a bit of a hit. My repair guy says not to fret on the Endurance motor, and he'll keep it right as rain, or he'll swap it out for me.
And it's ORANGE!
I also remain somewhat "skeptical" of the Powerbar, Joystick and Steering Wheel type ZTR's:0)
There is a time limit for editing their own thread/OP for updates?
The Big Dog has been returned to the dealer, and I have been fully refunded on 5/7/13
I liked the mower overall, as far as design and construction go, and spec-wise, it ticked all my desired boxes.
There were couple issues had concerning this purchase:
- 1- The throttle design on this particular design of mower turned out to be something that needs to be better designed. The throttle (actually a hydro-static speed forward/reverse control, not fuel), would not return to neutral position when released, making you have to manually turn it back to slow down/stop.
- 2- Full forward/reverse required more rotation of the handle beyond a persons natural wrist rotation range, requiring you to let go and re-grip to get to full forward/reverse, making item 1 above loads of fun if you need to do a sudden slow down/stop.
- 3- My salesperson turned out to be a vinegar & water feminine hygiene product.
During haggling, I switched up negotiations from being financed to a straight up cash price. I asked him to write down the final purchase price on a piece of paper, and I would have the wife get me a stack of Benjamin's. Well, we came to an agreement and I dropped it off payment on the way home from work, but he was not there, so a co-worker accepted it. So I called Friday to say I was stopping by to pick up the invoice and and all the manual stuff that they had still. He tells me that he needs an additional $322 to cover sales tax. I flipped and asked why he didn't include that in his written figure, since I was having to withdraw a large sum of cash for this buy? He says it slipped his mind, because of all the stress he was going thru during his business's ONGOING TAX AUDIT. I told him that was all I would pay, and either figure a way to make it work (I offered an out of state purchase option, Dad has same name in NJ) or come and get it. He took option B.
Now, I am awaiting the arrival of my Husqvarna M-ZT 52.
Since there is no BD sub-forum (yet), here it shall reside.
In my new ZTR quest , and it be where the steering component is more of a wife friendly design, I came across 2 designs that have met my criteria, in combination with ZT-3XXX trans and KW engine, the BD Powerbar and CC Z-force S.
Luckily, the closest dealer to me is a Hustler and BD dealer, he has graciously let me trial the Powerbar this weekend to see if he could close the deal.
Since this a unique mower, I figured I'd break out the camera and give you the nickel tour.
The unit in question:
Since it arrived somewhat dirty, so I didn't have to worry about getting it that way......
It steers and throttles like a motor-cycle....... hmmmm, will ape hangers work?
Control panel. Hour meter is mounted below, down the side of the tank.
She's a wide ride, with junk in the trunk.
It has great forward speed. It allowed me to do my yard in 32 minutes, with first time jitters use and not actually being the owner yet. I'm happy with the results. The only snafu right now is using reverse. I feel like a special needs person, because it's like total bass ackwards to normal use. Control is really responsive, like quick steering ratio, and is really one handed use friendly.
To the playground:
East side, wife likes circles
North side, 10ー slope
West side, with the dreaded swale from hell, and all its 30ー glory.
And finally, the South side. This swale is more user friendly, with up and down mowing without any scalping.
This has been a ztr noob report. Let me know if you would like any further pics of particular areas.