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Ransomes 4000 series manuals found




Hi, rebuilding my neighbors lawn mower and had a hard time finding all the manuals to do it. So I thought I would save other people the time if they need manuals (they are in pdf form) for Ransomes 4000. I also have been getting parts drawings and vendor names for who supplied the parts to Ransomes when they were made. This has been for the parts that are no longer available by the Bobcat or Ransomes part number. Funny thing I've found is that a lot of these parts are still made by the vendor and sold to other mower manufactures. Anyway let me know if you want me to send the manuals to you if I can't get them to attach here. Looks like the service manual is too big , it's in two parts that are over 10 MB each.

I also have the engine service manual and parts manual in paper back for the GL3E Mitsubishi motor that I just received from Japan, luckily in English.





Operators manual and first part of service manual.


  • jaguar 4000 operation english.pdf
    1.9 MB · Views: 387

  • 148390 pages 1 to 100.zip
    8.9 MB · Views: 287




tractor parts manual and deck parts manual.


  • Jag 4000 (XT4010D) 6000.zip
    4.2 MB · Views: 277

  • 148125 FO-XD decks.pdf
    1.4 MB · Views: 291




Got them all, many thanks Paul...!




Your welcome. I also have some sunstrand 15 series pump pdfs that helped me and also a name of a place for parts and knowledge on those pumps.




Figured out how to split a pdf file, so here is part 2 divided into 2 more documents. Also have added a couple of parts drawings that I had to get from the factory so I could build myself or find.


  • 108094.pdf
    54 KB · Views: 152

  • 148065.pdf
    17.5 KB · Views: 124

  • 148186.pdf
    14.9 KB · Views: 123

  • 48429.pdf
    7.6 KB · Views: 105

  • 48134.pdf
    7 KB · Views: 119

  • 43039A.pdf
    19.5 KB · Views: 154

  • 148390 pages 101 to 228_Part2.zip
    4.9 MB · Views: 175

  • 148390 pages 101 to 228_Part1.zip
    6.7 MB · Views: 199




Well, I'm going to keep adding things to this thread until someone says stop... The Ransomes has play in the steering. So I started my research to see if there were any repairable parts in the steering valve. There is! The steering gear is still manufactured and serviceable parts are available. The steering gear, PN # 148132 (drawing attached) is a Parker gear HGF 16014-A1-1600. It falls in the Parker HGF series line with an extra port for a pressure pass through for the deck lift. Anyway, after finding all that out and getting the manual I believe my problem is going to be air in the steering cylinder all the way in the back after talking to the Parker support rep. Either way, here is the manual for someone out there.


  • 318_322_330_332_420_430_Parker_Hydrostatic_Steering_System-HGF_Series_Service(SM2753).pdf
    659.6 KB · Views: 130

  • 148132.pdf
    23.9 KB · Views: 108




I forgot that I hadn't posted the hydro manual that I used to fix the Sundstrand pump on this mower. The manual is listed as a Sauer Danfoss, I think through buy outs or merging is why the name changed. Anyway the hydro pump tag for mine was a 15-2174 CW, A-90-13-250020. It was a very easy pump to rebuild. I had the known issue with the charge pump pin broke and an oring that was blown out. Got the oring set and pin from Nova Hydraulics. The part number for the Sauer Danfoss (Sundstrand) overhaul seal kit was 9510354-001.


  • S15 PV repair Nova.pdf
    617.9 KB · Views: 133




I found this also, the snow blower attachment sales brochure from Hanson-General Products with model numbers of the different Ransomes Bobcat machines to include 4000, 6000, 6100, 6150, and T28 that it fits. Now if I can just find one to purchase...


  • Snowblower by Hanson-Geneal Products.pdf
    718.7 KB · Views: 82




I have spent a lot of time looking for manuals / information about the Jaguar 4000. Some years back I mistakenly changed out the electric clutch , with one not quite right, It worked well about a year then gave me a problem: ruining the hydro seal behind it.
I had misplaced the clutch that I had taken off. I replaced the seal, ran awhile, replaced again, etc., etc.

Could someone five me a part number for the clutch that is factory? I believe it is an Ogura clutch. Maybe not. Please help.

By the way THANKS for the PDF downloads of manuals.........................




It's a Bobcat 148029, Jacks Small Engine has that part for $305.53 Bobcat 148029 jackssmallengines.com/Products/BOBCAT/Electric-PTO-Clutches/148029/2245405

A lot of Ransome parts can be found by putting "Bobcat" in front of the search item. I believe I put the parts breakdown on the forum that I started with the manuals, which is where I found the part number. It was in figure 1A, item number 21, which is the whole clutch assy.

Hope this helps




I did some more work on the neighbors mower, it didn't have the pump pressure it should. So I did some more research, found that the pump corp headquarters are in the same state as me. Gave them a call (Sauer Danfoss), talked to tech support. So he sent me the parts breakdown with part numbers, very helpful when you want to shop around for parts. All said and done, I replaced the thrust plate, hand lapped everything in, cleaned and resealed. Presto, works good. The hand lapping is something I hadn't done before. I bought a piece of plate glass, used new parts solvent as my coolant/lube and 1500 wet/dry sandpaper. sanded by doing figure 8's. Oh, forgot, used the wife's cookie sheet with a piece of plywood in the sheet and the glass sitting on top of the wood, then filled with solvent. Anyways it worked. Attached the parts breakdown for a Sunstrand 15-2174 pump.

Also found out that a lot of the internal pieces for the pump are the same, meaning 15 and 15U have the same rotating group. How I found this out was by asking the question to tech support/field rep on if I could use a rotating group out of a 15U for my 15 series pump, he said they were the same. The 15 series cylinder block kit, 3103136 went into a lot of different lawnmowers and commercial grade lawn tractors. Such as for IH Cub Cadet the part number would be 405178R93 (listed for $861.64). For a Onan or Kubota the part number would be a 21-004(old listing number of 21-029) (listed for $1085.76). So I bought one thinking that I might need it because that's what I heard failed on these. Didn't end up needing it. So if someone needs one, let me know. I have tried to sell it on ebay, it's New Old Stock, would be a great way to make a tired pump happy I would bet.


  • Sunstrand 15-2174.pdf
    145 KB · Views: 97




newbie here

might someone on this site know where to get manuals for a Ransomes T22D?

It's a ride on rotary with the Mits diesel
Just bought it last fall for $1500 with around 1500 hrs.

I would like to know more about it and how to maintain and fix it when it needs it





Don't know if I should start a new thread so I'm going to respond on this one. Here is the only manual I can find for a T-22D. I hope a T-22D is the same as a T-22DV. Anyways, here's the parts manual for it. Had to zip it because it was over the 3.81mb size for a pdf.
Hope it helps!


  • T22DV revision 1.zip
    3.7 MB · Views: 72




thanks that does help with parts now if I could just get a owners/maintenance manual somewhere




Thanks for the manuals. I'm in a pickle here still. I have the XT4015 with the GAS Mitsubishi GL3E and I can't find a service manual for the engine. I also cannot open your Zip files for some reason.

Hi, rebuilding my neighbors lawn mower and had a hard time finding all the manuals to do it. So I thought I would save other people the time if they need manuals (they are in pdf form) for Ransomes 4000. I also have been getting parts drawings and vendor names for who supplied the parts to Ransomes when they were made. This has been for the parts that are no longer available by the Bobcat or Ransomes part number. Funny thing I've found is that a lot of these parts are still made by the vendor and sold to other mower manufactures. Anyway let me know if you want me to send the manuals to you if I can't get them to attach here. Looks like the service manual is too big , it's in two parts that are over 10 MB each.

I also have the engine service manual and parts manual in paper back for the GL3E Mitsubishi motor that I just received from Japan, luckily in English.





I forgot that I hadn't posted the hydro manual that I used to fix the Sundstrand pump on this mower. The manual is listed as a Sauer Danfoss, I think through buy outs or merging is why the name changed. Anyway the hydro pump tag for mine was a 15-2174 CW, A-90-13-250020. It was a very easy pump to rebuild. I had the known issue with the charge pump pin broke and an oring that was blown out. Got the oring set and pin from Nova Hydraulics. The part number for the Sauer Danfoss (Sundstrand) overhaul seal kit was 9510354-001.

Thank you for the information, been looking for 5 years.




Found some time at work to scan the engine manual for the GAS Mitsubishi GL3E . Need to make time for the parts manual...View attachment Mitsubishi Gasoline Engines GL Series.zip




It's a Bobcat 148029, Jacks Small Engine has that part for $305.53 Bobcat 148029 jackssmallengines.com/Products/BOBCAT/Electric-PTO-Clutches/148029/2245405

A lot of Ransome parts can be found by putting "Bobcat" in front of the search item. I believe I put the parts breakdown on the forum that I started with the manuals, which is where I found the part number. It was in figure 1A, item number 21, which is the whole clutch assy.

Hope this helps

I found this thread to be very helpful when repairing my Ransomes Jaguar 4000. Thanks for the manuals and the note on the electric PTO clutch's relation to Bob-Cat part numbering. Worked perfectly in finding a new clutch.

Thanks again




Don't know if I should start a new thread so I'm going to respond on this one. Here is the only manual I can find for a T-22D. I hope a T-22D is the same as a T-22DV. Anyways, here's the parts manual for it. Had to zip it because it was over the 3.81mb size for a pdf.
Hope it helps!

I have successfully downloaded zip file :thumbsup:, but can't open it... :ashamed:
Pleaaase HELP !!!:wink:




Why is it saying (Authentication Required) on the zip files..?




Why is it saying (Authentication Required) on the zip files..?

Did you get it to download?




Yes but it needs Authentication Required did you password it..?




I have the Ransomes 4000 Jaguar with the large mower deck (74"?). Does anyone know the configuration for how the belt goes around the 6 pulleys? My local service guy lost his drawing of how the old belt was on . . . Any & all help will be appreciated. (The manual I have downloaded only shows 4 pulleys).




I have the Ransomes 4000 Jaguar with the large mower deck (74"?). Does anyone know the configuration for how the belt goes around the 6 pulleys? My local service guy lost his drawing of how the old belt was on . . . Any & all help will be appreciated. (The manual I have downloaded only shows 4 pulleys).

Hello, to find the diagram for the threading of the belt, look under the hood of the deck hood. hope this helps.




Hello, do you have the parts manual for the mitsubishi L3E 23 HP Diesel engine. We need a water pump,gasket,thermostat and gasket. We have all the other manuals for it, but not that one . thanks for any help.




Do you by chance know where I can buy a ignition switch for a Jaguar 4000 XT4010D???




Do you by chance know where I can buy a ignition switch for a Jaguar 4000 XT4010D???
Not sure this will help,but try a jacobson dealer and they should be able to cross reference it. Good luck.




I found this thread to be very helpful when repairing my Ransomes Jaguar 4000. Thanks for the manuals and the note on the electric PTO clutch's relation to Bob-Cat part numbering. Worked perfectly in finding a new clutch.

Thanks again

Is there anything out there, or could you help. i can't seem to get this clutch off.. i have the new one. im just at a halt for the last two months with this thing. do i have to cut something? thank you for any help you could give me.





Hello does anyone know where i can find a break down of the divider valve on a 4000 jaguar?




bonjour et merci à tous pour vos articles et vos pdf sur le système du moteur hydraulique qui équipe nos jaguar.
J'ai réussi à reconstruire le moteur hydraulique suite à la rupture de la goupille de la pompe de charge qui au passage avait détruit l’étanchéité des pièces.
J ai remplacé celle-ci par un bout d'acier provenant d'un foret, de mémoire 3.3.il a été monté cote pour cote.
après la rectification au tour de la plaque bi-métal qui fait dos au barillet, nous avons enlevé 17/100m, et tout va parfaitement pour l'avancement.
Aujourd'hui je me trouve face à deux nouvelles pannes:
Le levage de la coupe reste en haut, impossible de baisser la coupe,
et seconde panne la mise en route de la coupe fait couper le moteur.
si quelqu'un peut m'aider sur les détails intérieur du distributeur.
merci:pouces vers le haut:




Looking for a part number for the deck belt of a jaguar 4000 ,6 pulley 60 inch deck




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