I don't see too many people using bags on their push mowers, but the ones that do seem to have pretty lawns. How does collecting the clippings rather than not benefit your lawn?
Some types of grass will build up a bed of thatch at ground level that must be regularly removed... that only will get worse if you keep adding clippings all season long.
A lot of the people that bag everything from their lawns supplement the earth with chemicals to insure that plant nourishment isn't compromised...
With the right types of grass you can do well with mulching blades on your mower and if the perfect lawn is what you live for, you can do soil tests to let you know exactly where your deficiencies are... KennyV
I don't see many of the bag types around in our neighborhood, either. People seem to be utilizing the mulching idea more than anything else. That's a good thing, I think.
I think the mulching blade is better for me. We have a lot of trees to mow around and the bag would just get in the way. What about using a regular blade, though?