Price guaging


Forum Newbie
Sep 7, 2024
The problem is not as much as our politicians as it is all the financial investment companies taking other the supply chain.

The only ways to get this under control is either price controls or we simply keep using our knowledge to beat them back down. There will always be those that think only OEM parts are the best when they sometimes are not.
There are several reasons prices are higher, but slomo is correct: the politicians are the reason the investment companies are able take over the supply chain and for the inflation that has run so rampant recently. Companies have no choice but to pass along the higher prices they have to pay, if they want to stay in business. And you're right, some companies are greedy and will take advantage, raising prices more than they have to, but with a free market we have that option of "shopping around", ... for now at least.


Forum Newbie
May 6, 2023
A local mower shop has gone up so high for now had to stop dealing with them, they used to be good people and honest a three-month dry spell selling no mowers and no repairs has turned them into robbers, needle and seat, sixty dollars, that white piece of plastic that the needle sets in $ 120.00, motor oil $9.00 Quart, that's way out of control, I say that we are on the brink of a depression we are just were we were in 1929, will have to break several companies and start at zero again, come on depression help us find our way back.
Be very careful about what you ask for!!


Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
First depends on where you are at. Different countries have different exchange rates so price can be higher.

As for the motor oil I seldom sell Dino oil now as mainly I selling Synthetic and it is around $9 a quart and it would higher if I didn't buy from Walmart in 5 quart jugs so I can make a little profit for me keeping it in stock. Dino oil is cheaper but I prefer the Synthetics as they have a high operating temperature range.

And parts prices at local shops are dependent on their sources too. Before I got in with several distributor I was at the mercy of places like Partstree, Repair Clinic, and Jacks.
Currently the Briggs 698780 transfer tube is retail listed at $71 but take Partstree for one source it is wholesaled at $96 which a lot more than the $64 it costs me. Now my distributor does charge $15 for shipping; unless, I order at least $250 in parts then shipping is free. Also OEM sources are higher if they are buying from say Toro instead of Briggs as that is another middle man.

Now that same 698780 I get from Amazon for less than my distributor. So we must use procurement methods and buy from the vendor with the best over price for the whichever part we need,

Also reliable shipping time are important at times. Right now an Amazon package made it to my local shipper on Wednesday but now it is all the way across the US in Arizona and will take another five days to get back to local shipper. Luckily it is a stock item that I don't need right a way.


Lawn Royalty
May 6, 2010
Was looking earlier and my Kohler distributor sells the 25 357 64-S synthetic blend which replaced the 25 357 05-S Dino which for the most part is NLA...Dealer cost is $60/case and retails for $120/case. Now here is the catch. Unless you buy a pallet of 84 cases or the dealer orders his oil on a stock up special sale which offers free freight the cost of shipment is $60/case. So the dealer cost for less than pallet amounts is $10/quart.


May 15, 2023
The problem is not as much as our politicians as it is all the financial investment companies taking other the supply chain.

The only ways to get this under control is either price controls or we simply keep using our knowledge to beat them back down. There will always be those that think only OEM parts are the best when they sometimes are not.
Price controls only lead to shortages, the cause of this inflation is a huge increase in the money supply. It is a problem caused by politics and anyone that tells you otherwise is misinformed or more likely a lair.


Dec 15, 2021
Green agenda's have driven oil prices up and onslaught of Government regulation's have driven the price of doing business up. These are the reason for high prices and not corporate gauging. Getting rid of Bidenomics will restore pricing back down but not to pre-Covid levels.