nice pics. jd and nice house.I just got hooked up to hughes highspeed so when one of my kids come out to show me I'll post some pics. I just got to clearing out my drive yesterday [lazy &retired ] I bought a back blade for my Yanmar and tried 2 differant kinds of pipe,pvc and washmachine.both lasted long enough to blade my drive and clear paths to my mailbox but that was it.I went to TSC and bought one of those rubber horse mats.they are heavier than they look,I cut a piece wider than the moldboard and as long as the blade.I did this with my saber saw and used a hole saw to cut the four bolt holes.I had to buy longer moldboard bolts and sandwiched the rubber between the blade and moldboard.It worked a heck of alot better than the pipe.I am so ready for spring! russ