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Petrol mix




Hi,I have got a pole saw with an identical looking engine to this one but there are no labels or markings on it.Did some reading up on the net and this engine is fitted to a lot of those 5 and 1 tools.I'm trying to get the correct oil/petrol mix and I have read anything from 25/1 to 50/1.Does anyone know the correct mix and who makes the original engine?







One of the things that really urks me is cheap imported product sold on line that are illegal to sell in a shop because they are non compliant
We have just gone Tier II down here so no product running 25:1 can be sold wholesale and as of June 30 2019 will be illegal for a shop to sell.
In fact I can get 3 years gaol for selling one.
yet any Yob cab buy a container load of non compliant equipment & sell them all on line.

Nothing against the tool itself but it does not help any one to have sound local businesses sent to the wall bt a car parrking space with a container sitting on it.




With oil such like "stihl" you should be able to run it 50/1




Is that really a 52cc two stroke engine? That's a lot of motor for multi tool general use, if so, I think. Fuel mix depends a lot on type of oil used. 20:1 is pretty unusual these days. To be safe I'd run it 32:1 with good oil and see how the spark plug and muffler look after some use.




Thank you for replies.The main reason I was trying to get correct mix is it takes a fair few pulls to get it to start and when it does start if I try to to give it full throttle it will try to rev up but then it starts to cut out.If I let go of accelerator it will keep running at idle.If I half choke it I can get it to full revs and after it runs for a while I can then get it to full revs but the problem can return when warm.



Darryl G

Sounds like a carburetor or fuel supply issue - running too lean.




Here is the same engine on youtube if you look at 3.41 it says tobe sure to use only ratio 40 to 1.




Andy, forget the u-tube, the websites both Blaz and I posted said 25/1. They both are for your unit. Follow the manual Blaz posted to troubleshoot your problem.




I'll go with the 25/1 and thanks again for all the help.
