By end of last season it felt like I was pulling a ton of bricks and grinding rocks when pulling my rear wheel drive Toro backwards. No amount of traction cable adjustment helped.
Finally found time to take drive completely apart ...everything looks tight. Bearings and bushings, and retainers not wallowed out, transmission shaft runs true. Drive pinion teeth on both sides of mower show signs of teeth jumping in and out of mesh. Sprocket teeth (metal) on both drive wheels look good.
Any idea what's going on ?
I've purchased new bearings, sleeves, retainers, transmission and drive belt.
Don't want to put back together until I know what's going on.
Also...would you recommend using Never Seize on blade driver shaft before reassembling ?
Any idea how much force is required to untreated HOC bearing retainer from pivot arm ? I put a 1-1/2" socket & breaker bar over wrench flats on retainer and can't get it to budge. Wrench flats are so thin on retainer I guessing corners will round off even though I using 6 point socket.
It doesn’t look like the pictures on pages 4-10 to 4-15? Don’t care about the age of the manual, that model has been around since 2009. If it’s that different post a pic please.
Rivets...components on my mower look like those shown in figure 048 on page 4-10 except there's no snap ring to hold adjusting lever and pivot arm in place on HOC retainer that fits thru hole in HOC side plate.