Parking/transport brake not engaging


Forum Newbie
Feb 22, 2023
I have a Husqvarna YTH24V54 that won't start. It has a brand new battery, good fuses, etc, but I realized the parking and transport brakes are not engaging. The pedal and locking switch appear to function properly, as does the transport lever, but I'm still able to push the mower around. I already reached out to Husqvarna, and all they say is take it in for service, which I'm trying to avoid. Can anyone help? Thanks


Lawn Royalty
Feb 19, 2020
If the Linkage and spring are intact then the wet brake shoe is worn. This means the K46 has to be pulled and disassemble in order to replace the brake shoe. It takes a very clean area to do this work as these transaxle are very dirt sensitive.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Won't start tells us absolutely nothing we can use to help you
Cranks but does not fire ?
Does not crank ?

If it cranks then the no start has nothing to do with the brake unless you have one of the idiot useless keyless ignitions.
If the brake pedal locks down & the mower still moves there is a problem with the axel as the brake is internal and there is no adjustment on late model cheap & nasty Husqvana tractor mowers.
Go to Husqvarna's web page
Download your parts manual
remove your deck
Get under the mower & check that the rod that links the brake to the pedal is connected at both ends

Note Tractor style mower brakes do not stop the wheel rotating
They lock the diff so each wheel turns in the opposite direction, the same as the parking brake on a car auto box

There is a good reason why I advise all of my customers not to buy any Husqvarna mowers other than the articulated ones .
Everything else is a mudguard ( fender to you ) .
Pretty on the top
Crap underneath


Forum Newbie
Feb 22, 2023
Doesn't crank, doesn't click, nothing. It's been sitting since late last summer, but was fine then. I can't imagine things have worn out just sitting. But when I realizdd the brake wasn't engaging, I remembered I learned the idiot's way when they delivered it that it won't start with the transport lever out. So could I have maybe knocked a connection loose just moving it around or something?


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Transport lever ?

So start with the basics AFTER YOU HAVE DOWNLOADED THE PARTS BOOK, because in the front is the wiring diagram.
Put your hand behind the dash, pull the key switch plug & confirm you have battery voltage ( must be the same as when measured across the battery terminals ) at the B terminal
IF you have then bridge the B & S terminals , engine should crank if all of the controls are in the correct positions
No joy
Pull the plug from the PTO switch , check for battery voltage on the white wire as above
If yes then bridge the 2 white wires, engine should crank
No joy
Pull the plug from the brake/clutch switch
Check for battery voltage on the white wire as above
If yes bridge the WHITE wires be careful not the accidentially bridge the white to the grey o you will fry the magneto
Engine should crank
No joy then pull the white wire off the starter solenoid & check for battery voltage
Yes then bridge the black wire to ground
Solenoid solenoid should engage & engine should crank

If still no joy get some car jumpers
Hook first one from battery - to the engine
Hook second one to battery + and touch it to starter motor + terminal
engine should crank
Yes then try the key with just the - jumper attached .
Engine cranks = bad ground cable/connection

If a no crank at all try the jumpers using your car / truck battery

GEt back to us when you have done all of the above with the results.

I have a rule with forums post
If I go to the effort of asking for tests to be done then I will not respond again till the poster makes an equal effort and does the tests & posts the results .