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Paint Turf Tiger?




Hey guys, I recently purchased a 61" Turf Tiger. I Love this machine. The previous owner used to pressure wash it with strong degreaser and the paint it all faded. Can i Spray it with the OEM Scag Spray Paint To make it look new again? Or do I have to strip the old paint off?

Thanks So Much!




If your going to repaint... You need to prep,WELL...
removing old paint is best..BUT if the old paint is sound, and only faded... You might look at cleaning it up and putting a good clear coat over the existing paint... :smile:KennyV




At minimum, you will need to sand the old paint. If you do not the paint you spray over will flake off.

You also need to use a light thinner to eliminate any grease on the surface before and after you sand it. If you do not, the paint will bubble (fisheye).

Really, if you care that much, you should just take it completely apart and have the pieces powder-coated. You will spend much less time and energy than trying to paint the pieces. It will probably be cheaper too.

Me, my mower is faded, and I don't care as long as the oil is clean and the grease is fresh. :thumbsup:




Plus 1 for powdercoat.

Here's the spindles for my garden tractor project before and after.
(The red is the powdercoat,not the greyish)

