After choking on Lowes price for an Intek air filter ($17) I found it online through K Mart pickup at Sears ($11). Please use your choice and support your local service store if desired.
Just a tip.
CHECK THAT DELIVERY....UPS tracking into Sears, then a black hole. The web site warns not to pick up until sears advises, but they do not advise. Finally called sears..."yeah it's here waiting for pickup." So the price is right, but the system is flawed. After ordering I saw the paper filter with pre filter (foam) in H Depot for about $14 plus local tax.
Finally got my hands on the filter. It came from Mowtown (not Kmart, direct to sears, $11). Strolled thru sears aisle and saw (gasp) $22 for that filter before local tax. Same one that is mentioned above. Sears had their lights dimmed ,for economy . I guess they try to make up for profit loss on the rider sales by selling filters for real profit. An oil filter was $20.
Don't know if I will recover my $11 from sears. I just bought the correct filter at H Depot for $14 and noticed the identical filter hanging next to it under J Deere bubble pak for $17.