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No Communication




Have you ever known anyone who didn't have a phone and you had no way to contact them? That's what I've been dealing with this past week or so. My dad broke his cell phone and now there's no way to get a hold of him because he can't afford to get a new one. I wish I lived closer so I could see how he's doing.




Maybe you can call/contact the neighbor, till he gets his phone




My dad broke his cell phone and now there's no way to get a hold of him because he can't afford to get a new one.

What service is he with... he can get a working 'used' phone for little or nothing. Have the ESN activated on his account ... he will be back into a phone... :smile:KennyV




We really weren't prepared for a situation like this. I've never had any of the neighbors numbers, and we've never gotten to know them.

My father and I both have Verizon and unfortunately the only way they can get him a new phone is if he pays $65, which he can't right now. I wish we knew someone who had an old Verizon phone for now. I know he'll figured it out though, it's just so weird because I'm used to talking to him every single day.




You can buy used cellphones on eBay. There are some good deals but it takes time to buy the phone, have it shipped, etc.




Go to ebay, put "Verizon phone used" and select buy it now tab... you will find a your choice of hundreds for under $20 including shipping...
The people that have these must get rid of them now because every day they still have them, there are many more phones they have to compete against for a sale... :smile:KennyV




Most probably he is in a good situation. I have been in such a situation before but after all was said and done, we realized my brother was all good.




I've been in the situation with my husband where we had no communication. (This was before cell phones). He worked seasonally in some remote places. We would arrange a time for him to call me from wherever he could a couple times a week. The various eBay suggestions all sound like good ones.




Wow, thanks for all of the replies and suggestions! My dad finally found a cheap phone and it was shipped to him today. It feels nice to know I can get a hold of him again. Man was that weird to not have any idea where he was, what he was doing. We've always been really close and talked everyday so that was a tough situation.




My dad finally found a cheap phone and it was shipped to him today..

BUT while this is fresh in your mind, this is the time to shop for a cheap 'backup phone in case his new phone fails or is lost or damaged.
If he has a second phone available, all he will have to do is: charge it, turn it on, and follow the instructions he hears ... he'll be able to switch to his backup phone quickly...
You should be able to find him a good backup for around $10... :smile:KennyV




I agree you should make sure you guys have a backup phone. You know you can check out freecycle and probably find someone giving one away as well.




I have one uncle who has no phone and it is frustrating when someone needs to get a hold of him. He doesn't want a phone, don't care to talk to people.
