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New Troybilt riding lawnmower with briggs has no spark




I have a new Troybilt riding mower that I purchased a couple months ago, the engine has no more than 8 hours running time. It's a 344 cc, 10.5 hp, model no. 210000. When I last used the mower every once in a while the engine would miss, like the kill switch was turned on for an instant. Now there is gas on the spark plug when I take it out, but there is no spark. What should I troubleshoot for when there is no spark?




If this is a new mower then this should be a warranty issue, and needs to be resolved by your dealer.




If this is a new mower then this should be a warranty issue, and needs to be resolved by your dealer.

Yes it may very well be an warranty issue, and I may end up doing that, but the closest place I can take it is 50 miles away. I would like to fix it myself if it is something not to difficult.




I have a brand new 12.5 hp briggs that has no spark either. Put it in and wired it up and tried to start. No start so I checked spark. I have none. I checked the coil with a multimeter and it was within the 2000-5000 ohms at 4900. So I feel your pain man




Other than the coil being bad on a briggs and stratton 12 hp what can cause a no spark issue. The motor is brand new




Please check these plugs. Some plugs give no spark (dead plug):laughing:




I have a new Troybilt riding mower that I purchased a couple months ago, the engine has no more than 8 hours running time. It's a 344 cc, 10.5 hp, model no. 210000. When I last used the mower every once in a while the engine would miss, like the kill switch was turned on for an instant. Now there is gas on the spark plug when I take it out, but there is no spark. What should I troubleshoot for when there is no spark?

Disconnect the stop wire from the coil and recheck spark. If you have spark then you either have a short
or a bad safety switch.




Check spark using another plug or remove plug, insert philips screw driver, and hold close to a ground serface. gregjo1948




I have a new Troybilt riding mower that I purchased a couple months ago, the engine has no more than 8 hours running time. It's a 344 cc, 10.5 hp, model no. 210000. When I last used the mower every once in a while the engine would miss, like the kill switch was turned on for an instant. Now there is gas on the spark plug when I take it out, but there is no spark. What should I troubleshoot for when there is no spark?

Drain out the old nasty fuel with water in it.....

Likely all that you need to do.

Otherwise take it back to where you bought it, if it is truly a warranty issue, which I doubt.....




Drain out the old nasty fuel with water in it..... Likely all that you need to do. Otherwise take it back to where you bought it, if it is truly a warranty issue, which I doubt.....

Can you explain first why would the gas be nasty after only two months?

Second how would old nasty gas cause a no spark?




Well, just a good guess when one has scant info that is helpful....

Yeah, pouring 2 year old crap fuel in a new mower will cause troubles, but that is also a guess...... Since we have no full picture of what is up, we should assume the most likely scenario..

A poster that refuses to take back a brand new mower for warranty, that is yet another flag....

Just been in the business for a while........
