new to Lawn World forum


Aug 9, 2015
Let me introduce myself to the forum here. My name is Larry Brauer and I live in Alvin Texas down near the Galveston coast line. I have lived here for 60 years but did move once about three miles from where I was born. I have four kids that are grown and have left home they are two boys and two girls. My wife and I are very happily married for 41 years and keep going the best we can. I am disabled and became that way in 2005 when I caught a virus that attacks your nerves know as Guildrens Bree" in which I am one of the lucky ones that didn't die from it. It has left me with combating my control of my motions and I have no feeling in my legs, feet or hands. I live from day to day doing the best I can with what God has given me to work with. I am under the doctor's care and the pills I have to take each and every day just to somewhat function. I push myself over and over but that's therapy for me to keep going even though sometimes it is hard just to get out of bed. Make myself get busy doing something seems to make my body feel better in a way. My wife is always after me to slow down or not to climb on a ladder and such but I feel I can do it and if my legs start shaking or my complete body starts shaking I don't try these things. I know when and when not to attempt different things. Heck after I got out of the hospital in 2005 I couldn't drive for 3 1/2 years afterwords. Now talk about getting depressed that will make you depressed real quick having someone having to take you to your doctors appointments and anywhere else you need to go is depressing. Anyhow I have come to this forum to get some information on lawn equipment and small engines so I can repair them myself with the knowledge from you good people. I look forward to learning different things to fix my riding mowers and push mowers. I have two craftsman riding mowers one with a 17 HP engine and the other with a 19.5 horse engine in which both are in need of work right now so here I am for answers and questions to ask.



Lawn Pro
Sep 5, 2014
Welcome to the forum, Sounds like you don't let things hold ya back too much. That's admirable for sure.

Lots of good & knowledgable folks here. Glad you joined up. :thumbsup:


Lawn Addict
Aug 11, 2011
Larry, welcome. You make me feel fortunate. This is a great forum with many knowledgeable and supportive folk. I am sure we can help you with whatever your chosen task.


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2011
Hi Larry! And WELCOME to the LMF! One of my in-laws had that awful "Guilliam-Berets" Syndrome. He was not
so fortunate with it, but considering the shape he was in from its ravaging his body like it did, perhaps he was
lucky not to have to go on like that. One day in fine shape as a retiree, drove his own Cadillac, went to senior
dances and outings; he and I would often go out and eat together. Then a few weeks later he was in the hospital
having blood pumped out of him, sterilized and put back in him. Anyway, we'll be glad to help you learn to work
on these various contraptions called lawnmowers and weedeaters! :confused2: I'm 63 and have worked on small
engines for many years, as well as diesels and an occasional airplane engine and one helicopter engine some years
ago. Remember when the mechanic used to be forced to take a flight with the pilot just to ensure quality work? :laughing:


Aug 9, 2015
Dave hate to hear about your in law that had the syndrome like I had. I know that I am one of the lucky ones that is why I take each and every day as my last here on this earth. That is a very bad thing to get and I feel for anyone that has had it or gets it. Anyhow thank you for the welcome to the forum and all great answers that I' looking forward to getting.
