New sod being installed next week. Can/Should a pre-emergent be applied?


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2014
  • / New sod being installed next week. Can/Should a pre-emergent be applied?
Our new lawn has to be removed and replaced because of many growths of Annual Bluegrass. Can/Should a pre-emergent be applied to the new replacement sod to stop improper growths our contamination?

If the pre-emergent is safe and effective, which one to use?
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Lawn Addict
Sep 27, 2017
  • / New sod being installed next week. Can/Should a pre-emergent be applied?
annual blue grass is easy to get rid of. Took me years to believe that but it is. You can use POA Constrictor this time of year, and then late next year just as it starts to cool down, put down a pre-emergent. POA is a cool season and spring grass. It slows or dies in hot weather. Bag your mower also, at least when the seeds are showing on it. What you can buy depends on what your state laws are. Here I have to use specialty stuff that is approved in the state. Some other places you can use big box stuff. You do not put down pre-emergent on new sod. You do want to ask whomever grew the sod when it safe to put it down. Many sod producers are using different chemicals on it already to keep the grass looking nice. You may not want to duplicate what they are doing until the grass has had time to set its roots. This is what I use on my front lawn. We use nothing on the back where the dogs play. If children play on the grass then you do not want any chemicals other than regular fertilizer, perhaps even organic.