I mow with a 1986 Bolens St110 and a Honda pushmower and have an 89 JD 317 that I haven't decided what to do with yet. I also use a 1983 Simplicity Roticul in the garden that I restored from a junk pile and I use a 1976 Pincor 10hp generator to power the house when we lose electricity. Look forward to sharing/recieving knowledge on keeping the "old stuff" working.
lawn mower fanatic
:welcome: to LMF! Nice mowers! Do you have a pic of your Honda? :smile:
Hey there,
What part of IL, Chicago burbs here. Would like to talk with some other owners in IL, everyone around here dont talk because there afraid someones gonna take there acc Its nuts would just like to talk with other owners since im just starting myself , I think everyone needs to remember they were new to the biz to at one time.