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new guy in town




Admins, please move if appropriate, ...so, about 8 years ago, I purchased a new home in the North Santiam canyon in Oregon. With the purchase came an Ariens 42 in deck hydro mower/tractor with 20 hp B&S. I have all three manuals but need help with this sitch. My idler pulley for the drive belt has been destroyed and let the belt off. Upon removal this evening, I find that it has lost half of its upper lip, thus allowing the belt to slip off. Tractor is going nowhere. AM ready to install the new pulley, BUT, a major issue, ...the electrical wire in a black loom from under the engine cover is totally chewed up, a few strands of copper. Appears to have been caught up under belt on the pulley. All of my searches and manuals do not tell me to where that wire bundle was connected to rearward of that pulley. Is it a ground? Need to repair this before I can finish the pulley job. Help

Now i see the Gravely/Ariens specific area. Would admin please move to that page. Would be helpful to list Ariens at top of list for us novices, who know not about the Gravely connection.




Photos would help us work out what you are seeing.
Model numbers off the ID tag will help up find the appropriate wiring diagram.




Welcome to the forum! I moved the thread for you.




Thank you, Catherine.

bertsmobile1, Will try to post up pics now.




Well, I struggle with some tech. Took pics with phone, too large a file per each pic, and cannot seem to get them onto the desktop and then to the forum. Should I try facebook? Or how to move from googledrive? The mower is not as frustrating as the computer stuff.

One last attempt, files too large for server. Crap!





Email them to yourself from your phone
Open them in your computer then resize to 12" with a resolution of 72dpi and save as a jpg
Phones use a file format that the computer sees as 100 time larger than it rally is
Just one of those computer to phone quirks
Even then a lot will appear upside down on the WWW




OK. I will try that here in a moment. Thx. ANy chance it is the headlight lead? I remember disconnecting years ago, and could not locate later.Makes sense to me.





So, probably headlight lead. I can be a dork. The top end of the loom is marked in red.

Is an Ariens model 93604200, with Intek 20hp B&S. That is according to the three manuals I have.




That photo tells us nothing
At a minimum we need the colours of the wires that are inside the black cover and better still the colours of the wires that were chewed through .
It is very rare for headlight wires to go under the floor
Usually they run along the top of the floor
Under the floor is the PTO wires, the brake switch wires , the seat switch wires & the reverse switch wires




That photo tells us nothing
At a minimum we need the colours of the wires that are inside the black cover and better still the colours of the wires that were chewed through .
It is very rare for headlight wires to go under the floor
Usually they run along the top of the floor
Under the floor is the PTO wires, the brake switch wires , the seat switch wires & the reverse switch wires
The ONLY rerasonable explanation is as above. Disconnected the headlites to remove the cowl and never hooked back up. When I looked I did not see headlite wire with connector later on, as it had (presumably) dropped back behind the engine and fell into the abyss wherein the drive belt lives. Just one of those stupid acts that defy common sense, I think. Engine performance is excellent.

At the lowish cost of a bit of wire and a connector, I will find out for sure.
It is only one wire strand, I am sure.

Sometimes, KISS theory actually works.

Thanks for all the input. I will be back if that ain't it.





Well here is the rub
If you have AC headlights running directly from the alternator and the alternator wire ends up grounded then you will cause the stator to cook
So at the very least the chewed through wires need to be capped off




Well here is the rub
If you have AC headlights running directly from the alternator and the alternator wire ends up grounded then you will cause the stator to cook
So at the very least the chewed through wires need to be capped off
