I'm using fresh gas. My other machines are running fine on the same fuel/oil source. If it is a dirty carb, I'm trying to understand how that can happen with less than 10 hrs on engine. It has been properly (per the manual) winterized during off season.
That removes the fresh gas issue. Now you are back to a dirty carb or cracked fuel lines. Might have a vacuum leak at the carb area. Forget about winterizing. That means nothing now.
Was this machine used to cut down farmers fields and fence lines? Overgrown yards? Some how dirt/grit is inside the carb and won't run properly. Fuel filter okay?
Get a carb rebuild kit. Take it all apart. Remove all plastic and rubber parts, set aside. Place the carb in the wife's dishwasher on pot scrubber super mode. Next dunk the metal parts in pure ammonia for a day or so. Blow it out with a real air compressor and air nozzle both ways. Soak again in ammonia if needed and blow. Install new carb kit and test.
Do you have strong spark and a good plug?