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Need help with 14hp briggs



Muddin mower 88

It's to hard to turn over like its got to much compression.i thought it was the battery but I don't think it is because I won't even turn over good with a charger hooked to it . I'm kinda thinking it might be the starter but I don't know




Post the engine numbers so we know what engine you are having problems with. Model, type, code off engine blower housing or valve cover.




Hook jumper cables up from your car to the mower. If it turns over then it is the battery

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If it is an OHV engine, it is more than likely the valves need adjusting. I have had to do this on a couple of mowers before.




If it is an OHV engine, it is more than likely the valves need adjusting. I have had to do this on a couple of mowers before.
Those that follow the advise of jakesmurray usually have the problem solved in a few minutes for pennies and even less if they already have the tools.

Those that don't, buy a new battery, starter, key switch and solenoid to the tune of maybe 200 bucks and still have the same problem.

To test, put an amp meter on the starter cable and record the reading.
