That did work, thanks! Where I went wrong was the parts diagram I pulled up on Jacks or PartsTree did not initially show the carb. I needed to zoom out the image a bit to see it.
I do have a follow-up question I would like some input on. How common are the diaphragms on these smaller carbs? I want to order a 10 pack hoping the fit on these is somewhat universal. Is that the case or are there a bunch of varaitions?
Thanks again!
My Walbro grab box has 28 pump diaphragm and 16 metering diaphragms
And that is just for the W series and even then it does not cover all of the carbs in the W series
The grab box for the Zama C1U has 16 pump diaphragms and 7 metering diaphragms
Now the killer, a lot of the metering gaskets come in 2 or 3 different thicknesses
This makes the metering chamber bigger and that has a drastic effect upon the response to throttle.
This has become such a big problem that Walbro is now offering a univesal set of diaphragms with an adapter plate.
For me it is a small problem but for the carb companies, the cost of maintaining an inventory of hundreds of different parts that look similar and go off with age becomes a massive financial burden.
When the first box of metering diaphragms came through the post, it was damaged and determining the difference between almost identical parts was near impossible.
In the case of metering diaphragms it can be the pin length, the thickness of the material , stiffness of the material or the size of the rolls
I use the grab boxes because they mean I don't have to stock over 100 different rebuild packs but even then I have around 40 or so kits in stock and need to order another pack at least once a month.
My main carb supplier carries over 400 different kits and that is only for Zama, Walbro & Tillotsen . They do not do TDK or Ruixn.
A lot of Ruzins seem to use a Walbro pump & Zama metering thus require 2 kits to repair ,
The logic behind this is of course that service people will just replace the carb & not try to rebuild them.
One of my suppliers only offers the WALBRO 95-526-9 in a 10 pack and that diaphragm is used with 8 different gaskets