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Must pull back on deck handle in order to start




In order to get my yard machine 46 inch deck riding mower to start I must pull back on the lever that lowers the deck. I know it is a safety feature for the blades to not be enguaged while starting. This is more of a nuisance than anything but if someone has a suggestion I would appreciate it. This forum has already helped me out once and I thank everyone.




When you pull back on the lever you must be making a switch, so maybe theres an adjustment on that switch so its made without pulling it back.:confused2: Hard to say though without seen machine.:frown:




I know it is a safety feature for the blades to not be enguaged while starting.

It is not so much a safety ... it limits the possible load on the starter... It only has to crank the engine instead of engine & blades...
Like bakerg suggests check out the location of the switch and make an adjustment... :smile:KennyV




Again thanks everyone
