So you push down on the clutch to crank it up and when you put it in gear and let out on the clutch in any gear it dies? I have had a similar problem with our Church YT3000 Craftsman when I engage the mower deck dying. It does that intermittently. The way I overcome that is with the motor off engage & disengage the deck several times in a row then crank it up and try it. Sometimes I have to do it more that once and so far that's always got it going again until next time. So you might try pumping the clutch several times in a row to see if it makes a deference. I have even sprayed contact cleaner on the ignition switch and connectors with electrical problems. Most of the time rather than bad switches it's a connector or switch not making a connection because of corrosion or dirt. I always fiddle around with the electrical connectors usually UN-plugging them, spray on contact cleaner inside and plug them back together until I get good results. Never had to replace a switch yet. Bob