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MTD Huskee Engine pulley bolt/screw size




I have a 1998 MTD Huskee model 13A0673G131 with a Tecumseh 15.5 hp engine model OHV155-204508D. I had to change the engine pulley and in the process misplaced the cap screw/bolt that holds it on. The online MTD parts diagram shows it as a 7/16-20 1.25" long. I got one and it is too wide for the hole in the shaft. Can anyone tell me what size I really need?




What do u mean too wide? Bolt too big? How did you buy this bolt?

If you went to a hardware store and grabbed what the label said was a 7/16 bolt someone could have put the wrong bolt in the wrong spot. Bring your bolt to a hardware store they usually have one of those pegboard lookign things with all the proper threads nuts bolt sizes etc and see if yours is truley what you thought u bought. If it is and still doesnt fit then try one size smaller with the fine thread.

Or if your not sure ask one of the old guys working there they usually can help.




verified 7/16-20 and also tried 3/8 and 1/4; 3/8 also too wide (ie., screw/bolt diameter exceeds hole diameter) and 1/4 too narrow wobbles in and out. Guess I need to try to find between 8/32-12/32 now.




might be metric...im not sure what else to tell you...

the threads arent damaged are they? and your trying to just screw the bolt in the end?




If 1/4 is just a little on the small side try a 6 MM, watch out which type of threads you have also.
