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Moving, been here for almost 30 years.




After about 30 years the X told me she filed for divorce..
X has been planning this for a while it seems..

Time for a new chapter in my world. Shop is all dismantled, that was hard on the head to do..
But time for a new place, & Lord willing I can set up a better shop.




Good luck with the new adventures.




Thank You Sir, all my stuff is carefully put up in a good storage unit, & I'm on vacation, & looking for new place to make home, MY way. ..


Tiger Small Engine

Tiger Small Engine

Thank You Sir, all my stuff is carefully put up in a good storage unit, & I'm on vacation, & looking for new place to make home, MY way. ..
Divorce and moving are both big steps in life. I hope everything turns out better for you in the long run.




Thank You, Appreciate that. And since this is my 1st rodeo, I'm learning..




Thank You Sir, all my stuff is carefully put up in a good storage unit, & I'm on vacation, & looking for new place to make home, MY way. ..
Best wishes for you.




Thank You as well.. This is happening everywhere I read. Women are initiating it by 70% according to what I read..

Better to be single & happy, that together & miserable.. I'm done with that, together & miserable.




Good lord, the stuff I've collected in my shop would take ten men and a truck to clear out, needing a full week. I hate throwing things...oh, I might need that someday...lol I have 11 tractors, 7 of them Wheel Horse's and countless attachments for them, a couple I use for mowing, A White Outdoor GT2150 and a Deere LT180, an old 71 Massey Ferguson MF7 that I bought used when I bought my first house in 1986 and it still runs great...bunch of snow blowers, push mowers, etc. etc. Tons of misc. used parts. Then there's the scrap yard for stealing parts, no idea how many machines are up there. I pity you. Divorce can be great, can be awful. I was divorced back in 2011, thank God as we were both miserable.




I pity you.
Wow, interesting comment..But it's life.
I Have a lot of stuff as well. Actually more than my house furniture etc.




After about 30 years the X told me she filed for divorce..
X has been planning this for a while it seems..

Time for a new chapter in my world. Shop is all dismantled, that was hard on the head to do..
But time for a new place, & Lord willing I can set up a better shop.

It's the way of the world now days.

My son, in his mid 20's. Great job that pays well. Just helped his g/f of about 3 years finish college. While she was going, he paid for just about everything. Including the expenses of her young daughter.
6 months after she graduated, and get's a good job, suddenly she doesn't want him.

I'm so glad I'm done with all that.

Wish you well on your new life. Enjoy it.




Seems it is the way of the world these days.

Sorry to hear about your son's experience..

Thank You Sir. I appreciate that.




good luck on your new chapter,Buddy




I know how you feel
I have a soft spot for broken thinks
Everything I have was broken when I got it
It is a common "man" thing, real men fix things .
So no surprise the woman I fell for was also broken & I was stupid enough & arrogant enough to think I could fix her as well ( naturally I cold not )
So I spent my 40th birthday sitting on an esky in a rented house with my new house mates cat.
The house became known as Menopause Mannor as over the next 10 years a succession of men with marital problems ended up there .
I am sorry to hear on your break up .
Marriages like mowers require constant maintenance to keep working properly and many times life just gets in the way and of course like mowers some times they are just the wrong model for the yard .
The only advice I will proffer is to keep everything as civil as possible , accept the situation ( if it is irreversable ) and do not turn her into an enemy
I am over 70 now & have been living solo for over 30 years and in that time it has become very apparent just how much I took for granted .
We are still married BTW , officially estranged and it works for both of us .




Thanks both you guys, 1st rodeo for me.. It is NOT reversible, I wouldn't take her back anyhow..She initiated the whole thing. I'm not the easiest to live with. But I did my best. I did take certain things for granted, but same could be said about her.
Bert, I'm right at 70 so this whole new beginning is gonna be a lil more challenging.. Just having all my stuff in storage is hard on my mind.

Got some nice properties to view this week. Maybe I can even land a bigger shop, like full basement, with garage..Hopefully something nice soon. Properties have gotten crazy high in prices, least my old place sold extremely well. And hope this will be last move fer me.. Getting too old for this stuff.
