LawnMachines 300e Mower won't start-- Choke?


May 11, 2018
I have read the comments and saw that you did get it to start by spraying gas into the carb. With that, I think you have pretty much eliminated the spark and compression issues and what you are left with is a fuel issue. So you need to determine is fuel flowing from the tank, flowing through the fuel line to the carb, then flowing into the carb. So, I would check things in this order: 1. Get a small tray or cut soda drink bottle to catch fuel. 2. Disconnect the fuel line at the tank and make sure you have a good fuel flow. 2. If you have good flow from the tank, reconnect and then disconnect at the carb and make sure you have good flow through the hose. Sometimes the inner fuel line will deteriorate and the inner hose will get pushed back up into the line when the line is pushed back on the nipple at the tank or carb and block the line. 3. If you have good fuel flow going into the carb, then the issue is the carb. In my opinion, those carbs suck. The jets in it can get clogged and no matter what you do, sometimes they never clear up. But before messing with the jets, put some gas in the tank and allow it to flow to the carb. Then remove the carb and catch the gas in a bowl or pan make sure the carb bowl is full of fuel and that the float is not sticking and the valve is not blocked. 4. If the flow is all good, then you can move on to cleaning the jet. If it still will not start normally but starts when you spray gas into the carb, I would order a new carb because it is cheaper to order the whole carb than just the main jet. You can find the cheap Chinese versions on eBay for 10-12 bucks.
May 26, 2021
Hey yall, got it running! Something stuck in the carb.
I'm not sure what this means, but you should consider a new plug. And yes, they do fail internally. I have seen plugs (usually Champion) that look just fine and spark just fine until compression is applied in the cylinder, then things expand and contract and you end up with a spark going around the insulator to ground. I've seen this with brand new champions in automotive tests. Simply try to start your engine in the dark, you'll see if there is an errant spark.
Spray some starter fluid in the carburetor and try to start it. If it runs for a short time and then dies it is not getting fuel. If it doesn’t then check the compression, remove the plug and put your thumb over the hole and see if it blows your thumb away. An engine needs fuel,air, compression and a spark to run. When you find which one is missing you will know what to repair.
How about a valve adjustment check? Pull the head and de-carbonize the combustion chamber? Clean the block cooling fins all the way around. Get an inline spark tester. Lastly best time to check spark is in the dark or low light conditions. Blue spark is good, orange is weak slash bad.

Hey yall, got it running! Something stuck in the carb. It smokes a crap ton when it does start, but it runs nicely afterwards! Does anyone know why its smoking so much?


Staff member
Sep 24, 2017
is it blue smoke? black smoke?


Lawn Pro
Jul 14, 2019
white smoke for like a second then none.
White smoke normally is water burning off. Guessing yours is oil, most likely. Check oil level on flat ground. Level needs to be exactly at the full mark. Not over nor under.

Could be a carb needle sticking open to bad piston rings and or piston.

Remove the block vent hose that runs to the carb. Start the engine and see how much smoke or oil vapor comes out.
