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Lawnboy can it be saved?




This is a mid-50's (?) Lawnboy Iron Horse with a big chunk out of the deck. Has anyone found a way to patch these. I remember this being a common problem with something like a rock got caught between the blade and the housing. LBoydeck.jpg




This is a mid-50's (?) Lawnboy Iron Horse with a big chunk out of the deck. Has anyone found a way to patch these. I remember this being a common problem with something like a rock got caught between the blade and the housing. View attachment 31289

Put a piece of "backing" on with some c-clamps ( backing should have tin-foil or plastic wrap covering on it..so filler material wont stick to backer piece ) feather grind the area or sand-paper .. stand that baby on end ... and load it up with DEVCON aluminum putty or J-B weld ... smooth as best possible .. when hard ... refill as necessary then finish grind and sand .. for backing you can use most any thin material ... thin wood sheathing ( like a veneer skin .. or a piece of Formica ) ... WELL ...gitter-done already ..( LOL ) ..Boobala





I'm going to move this thread over to our Lawn Boy section :smile:





I'm going to move this thread over to our Lawn Boy section :smile:

Got to an alloy welder & get a lump of plate welded in.
I use chequer plate because I can always get small offcuts for 1.5 x scrap price.
