I have to replace the ignition coil on my motor because mice have chewed through the primary wire on one cylinder. I tried two aftermarket coils from Stens and neither would produce spark with grounding wire removed does any one know if need to replace with an OEM coil. I am a small engine mechanic and know how to set gapp properly.
Model m18qs
spec 24683
serial 2304806586
Any help would be great if.
Considering the cost of the OEM coil I would just replace the lead but it will take time and patience to old lead out as it is glued in place.
And depending on which Stens coil you got. The 055-481 is the OEM coil but the 160-01064 is an after market version.
Also make sure you not having a stray voltage on that wire as you cycle the ignition switch.
And make sure it is fitted the right way round
Upside down & it will not work because the trigger will close the circuit after the magnets have already passed .
How are you checking for spark? That is a continuous loop system so testing is a little different. Do you have a way to connect two spark plugs together with spring clamps and a wire connecting them like is in the picture? Kohler recommends 4 spark plugs for this test. Two out of the engine connected to the plug leads and connected together via the metal hex area, and two left in the engine to keep the engine at normal cranking speed.
The attached picture is from a MV manual but they use the same ignition module as the M and are checked the same way. Current from the ignition module actually flows from the module down one plug lead, through the spark plug and block and then back to the ignition module through the other plug lead to complete the circuit in a continuous loop causing both sides to fire at the same time. On one side current flows from the module to the spark plug and spark jumps from the center spark plug electrode to the bendable electrode. On the other side the spark jumps from the bendable electrode to the center electrode then through the plug wire back to the ignition module.