I goofed while I was tinkering with the engine control and took off the springs without a picture, rookie move, I know. I can't seem to find a picture of video anywhere on the internet that would give me some direction. I see diagrams online but they aren't helpful.
Does anyone have a picture of the engine controls for a Kohler Courage SV730s 25hp?
Thanks @Rivets, I was able to see the spring placement on pg 28, however, they weren't the SV730s model, the choke and the speed cable are one in the same.
That manual covers the SV730. Have you read the section on assembly? Pages 78-79. Different holes are used, depending on engine size and application, so it is difficult to pinpoint exactly where you need to install linkage and springs. Also look for wear in the areas around the different holes, most are not used.
Well the spring #10 is not fully connected and not shown the service manual.
And just in case you don't the main governor spring connected. And it looks like you marked the governor arm spring location
but following should give you the general idea on how to connect it.
Dragging this one out a bit more as I have the engine controls back and working kinda.... the engine fires up but adjusting the throttle through the cable doesn't do anything. See this video: https://photos.app.goo.gl/5MryhHyxswnhoguf8
Nothing happens till you run the engine
The governor at rest has the throttle wide open
So you do not see any movement apart from the spring going a little slacker .
I have zero experience adjusting the governor however I have seen generally how it’s done. Several kohler specific videos on YouTube.
@bertsmobile1, are you saying I need to adjust the governor?
Evening... I tinkered with the governor and that wasn't it, currently the governor is turned down all the way it can go. When I did tinker with pumping the governor, the engine ran away and I had to shut off the engine quickly.
@StarTech can you tell if the spring are in right location from my video?