You don't say how many hours are on your mower. But Kohler says that the O2 sensor may start to fail above 700 hours. So you could have a sensor issue or possibly the fuel pump isn't working properly after it gets hot causing low fuel pressure, leading to the lean run code 31.
Some of the problems on these engines just can't be determined very easily without the laptop software.
gator, I found Kohler site with their diagnostic software for sale $95. It looks very good at this price. I did not see what platform it uses, maybe a laptop . If your time is worth anything this might be a good way to go. Also a 4 part series on youtube shows how it works.
sounds like your fuel pressure pump is loosing pressure after that 30 minute run time , when it gets hot the pressure drops to below 25 psi or lower , runs very poorly , stops , can re-start after 5 minutes or so and the efi system cannot lengthen the pulse width to compensate ( minimum adaption limit exceeded) and the o2 sensor is sensing the excess air ( lean ) I have seen this very problem in kohler efi mt 26 ghs walker - replace your fuel pressure pump and filter
system fuel pressure should be 39 psi
you can test this by installing fuel pressure gauge at the schrader connection and running engine at full noise with bales running , keep watchin and listen for when the engine starts running poorly , check the fuel pressure gauge , it will be dropping below 25 psi or more and almost stalling and have no power
If it is not oem I would not touch an online identically-looking unit. OEM should have sourced a better product. Auto pumps and regulators fail , but not in great numbers (old memories). My experience was if they don't fail near new they go on and on. I have a 1985 Pontiac with its original regulator (45 psi) , and the pump which replaced the new one after it failed. Still running strong. These are not rocket science. I would try a Taiwan, Canada, Australia etc not mainland China.
From what I can dig up the bosch injection system which would be your system, has a minimum rating of 25 liters/hour at 39 psi. the newer ECH system has a minimum rating of 13.5 liters/hr at 39 psi. Something that may need to be verified prior to confirming the injection pump is bad, is to make sure the lift pump is putting a steady flow of fuel to the injection pump. The older systems used an electric lift pump, and the newer systems use a mechanical, or electric lift pump.
The first Kohler EFI engines had the pump mounted on or near the fuel tank. So maybe the charge pump was built into the injection pump. the newer Kohler ECH engines have the injection pump mounted on the engine and use a mechanical or electric pump to supply fuel to the injection pump since it isn't self priming.
A random thought. Don't know about "lift" pumps, but my Pont, and Nissan have gas tank immersed pumps which pressurize the entire plumbing right to the injectors. Maybe IL ENG can explain why they use a lift pump on a relatively small system?
hi , the lift pump is only lifting fuel from the tank, with no appreciable pressure and the output from the lift pump is filtered with a pleated paper filter 10 micron filter
and supplied to the pressure pump , the pressure pump supplies fuel to the metal can filter before the injectors ( injector filter screen can block up too) ( the filters inside the pressure pumps are 20 micron ) and can block up , pick up filters inside the tank are 75 micron i think the lift pump number is 808656 the number on the pump , these pump are vacuum and pressure pulse activated via the positive and negative crankcase pressures
is your system a in tank pump and regulator system or internal pick up and external pressure pump , with return line to tank and is the fuel pump mounted under the tank inside the chassis rail or on the rear cross rail behind the no2 cyl ? if it was me i would be putting kohler oem pump on , if using non oem pumps with higher output pressures can run into problems ie causing regulators to fail , possible overfueling , running rich
hope this info helps with your decsion
cheers pauly50
This is my follow up after installing the new Global Automotive, #GA2236 electric fuel pump. The mower started up just fine and the pressure regulator maintained the system fuel pressure at 41 psi which is within the designed range of 39 psi +/- 3. The excess pressure output from the pump dumped back into the fuel tank as designed. This was just as it was before the pump replacement. The mower operated just fine under all loads and continued to do so for the one and half hours I ran it without an MIL light. So the fuel pump replacement is a definite fix for my original problem of only running for 30-45 minutes before registering a 34 & 31 code. Thanks again for everyone's input, ideas, and excellent help in this issue.