I plan on calling them however I'm sure they don't care. I'm also certain no one is going to pay for my cost of having the mower delivered and returned to the shop. So far has cost me $80 in delivery fees and the shop told me it would be another $80 to return it. After all isn't it the American Way these days to take someone's money and then blow them off. I'm disgusted with the whole deal nobody cares about anything but themselves and the almighty dollar.
Tried calling Kohler and was unable to talk to a human. Shop already told me their making me pay for transportation. They had sold other kohlers with exact same problem.
I'd keep trying to call, there open from 8:00am to 5:00pm daily at 800-544-2444 I'm sure they will respond. By the way your dealer is treating you I'd say they were a pretty crappy dealer and I'd also let Hustler and Kohler both know how your being treated.
Hustler service bulletin #538 date issued 4-25-2016 and Kohler service bulletin #338, DATE ISSUED 5-1-2015. Kohler knew for 1 year that there was an issue. 1 YEAR! Kohler left Hustler and all other OEM'S in dark about there problem. Bulletin says that is a case by case issue and no action is required unless there's an issue. From what I've seen, ALL engine's built BEFORE 5-1-2015 should be checked. After that date I would hope they started checking as engines were being assembled.
Well you are a production engineer with special experience is quality control are you ?
The errant casting fin could be due to a problem with one of the moulds on a 100 mould casting machine most of which were picked up at the factory.
While is is a bummer whan it happens to you it is a cost thing.
Honda had the best quality control but Joe public will not pay the extra $ 500 that the better quality added to the price tag.
So yes it is a dollar thing and some one at Kohler had a long meeting with some one at Hustler and decided upon the course of actions to be followed.
Obviously it is a random problem affecting only a few engines and covered by warantee.
Oft in cases like this Hustler will get an extended warantee out of Kohler so they can sell their mowere with a longer engine warantee than their compeitiors.
In a perfect world this would not happen but in a perfect world you would happily pay double what you did for your mower so every one can be checked and will be perfect.
But this is not a prfect world, it is a commercial world most factories in the "West" are only marginally profitable at best and that profit get squeezed every year.
COld comfort for you and you are quite justifiably cranky but that looks to be more a problem generated by the dealer than the company.
Remember you are Hustlers customer, you bought Hustler mower, you are not Kohlers customer they did not sell the engine to you they sold it to Hustler.
Kohler have a big waranttee department but they do not talk to Joe Public, they will read your letters and emails but don;t expect a tech to spend $ 200 worth of his time talking to a person from whome Kohler made $ 50 profit.
They will happily read and file and even action something in writing becuse that is fast and cost efficient.
Back in your first post you might note I suggested you cantact Kohler in writing on paper or email.
Yeh I'm not happy at all but I'm not gonna say who it is till I get my mower back. I don't think I should have to pay mileage to and from their shop twice at a dollar a mile. I'm not a happy man right now. Not to mention they didn't want anything to do with me once they sold me the mower and got my money. It got a little heated on the phone and I plan on letting hustler and Kohler know how I've been treated.
I don't need a lesson in economics and your presumption that I know nothing about the manufacturing process is unfounded. I really don't understand why you even chose to take the time to comment on the obvious choices that a company makes to increase their bottom line.