Congratulations on your new honda purchase. Your mind will be BLOWN when you use this machine and whether you bag or mulch with it. One thing I wanted to point out to you about when you engage the blades and it bogs for a second. When you fire up this mower cold ok, if you look into your owners manual you will see it will say let it warm up for 3 minutes before you engage the blade brake clutch system. If the engine is not HEAT SOAK Warm, it could stall and then when you go to restart it, it may not restart because that mower has whats called an auto choke system that works off of heat. So what i am saying is that if you fire it up for 30 seconds and then turn it off for any reason or stall it, it may be a pain in the butt to restart it until it cools back down. Robert can elaberate more on this as he works for honda and is THE MAN to speak to about anything honda products. To keep it simple, start it up from cold start and let it work up a good 1-2 minutes then engage the bbc system and it will be fine. FYI when the mower is warmed up and then you turn it off and then go to start it again, it will be like normal. Any questions??? Just ask Always refer to the owners manual when in doubt. You wouldnt believe how many people do not read them and could learn so much about the product if they did. Good Luck with the new Honda!!:thumbsup: