Hello I am just wondering how deep I am in now. I have a basically new Husqvarna zero turn and attempted to jump another battery with it. While hooking up the cables, the other batter was older and more difficult to tell the terminals apart so I hooked up the cables wrong and started my mower. My mower ran for about 30 seconds then shut off and now will not turn over. I hooked up the battery charger to the mower's battery and it seems to still be fine but the mower has no power to even show how many hours are on it.
If you want meaningful help we need meaningful information.
Model number from the engine tag and model number from the mower tag.
A make of engine is also helpful.
A blown fuse is definate , and there may be several of them but we won't know unless we can look up your wiring diagram and to do that we need the above information.