I decided to take the cover off the Tuff Torq K51 to check the filter. However after previously draining the the unit by removing the plug and turning upside down and letting it drain fully over 2 days. I then refilled it with Triax Trans Zero 20w 50. I purged it and ran it around the grass for about an hour. It was still hesitate, so decided to remove it, drain it and split the housing so I could check the filter. However the oil came out very cloudy, like it was emulsified. Which I fould strange as it had only had about an hours running. The oil I used can be seen in the foil cup in the images, totally different to that in the tray and in the filter, again in the pictures. I am going to replace the filter and refill, but worried the oil might do the same. I welcome advice on what could be the problem? Thanks, Terry