Thanks for trying to help. I found the release under the rear axle so I was able to roll it back into the garage.
With rear wheels elevated, they rotate easily, and in opposite directions. And depressing the brake/clutch pedal has no effect on them rotating. Once the rear wheels are off the ground, the park brake can’t be moved by hand from the off position. Would you still recommend I take off rear wheels and try to clean brakes?
Maybe I’m misunderstanding but there’s only one pedal and the shifter has only forward, neutral and reverse. I feel sure its a hydrostatic drive because it can shift from forward to reverse easily using only the shifter. It may be a very old mower, but it looks good at a glance. Attached are some pics.
I uploaded the whole manual (11MB pdf )
here on Google Drive should you be inclined to download it and have a look. Theres a wiring diagram in the back.
I really have no electrical experience to speak. You're saying theres a fuel solenoid, but also a starter solenoid? I think getting to the carburetor would require quite a bit of wrenching to take off the perforated cover...
I believe the starter is easy to spot on the right side but I don’t know where the solenoid is. I will continue searching and checking youtube vids. The local JD dealer says he has a solenoid for this mower for about $12, but its a 40 mi drive RT.
To do the solenoid checks you recommend, I’d need to buy a multimeter?
I see theres a lot of oil around there I never noticed before. I hope thats not a sign of blown head gasket or something terminal.
Pls. let me know if I misunderstood or failed to provide the info requested.