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IS500Z oil leak, crankcase gasket replaced but cover won't go back on




My Briggs 44M777/2144-G1 engine has been leaking oil. I pulled the engine out and I am in the process of replacing the shaft seal and crankcase gasket. Started putting the cover back on and I can get it within about 1/16" of closing but it won't go further. It appears the crankshaft moved outward that 1/16" and won't allow the cover to close. Any advice in how I can get the crankshaft pushed back in that small amount?




Make sure the engine isn't turned upside down and setting on the flywheel, because the flywheel will move enough to prevent the cover from going on. Also make sure the oil pump driver on the camshaft is timed into the pump and camshaft which can also prevent everything from mating up.




Good advice. As I was moving the engine around on my workbench, the cover went right together. It must have been the flywheel like you suggested. Thank you!




Because I can rarely get a record on a turntable , my chances of lining up the oil pump is zero
So I fit the sumps first then I fit the oil pump
Also on some B & S engines the governor can slip out of place & get caught preventing the cases mating properly .
