Is This our Future Transmission ?


Lawn Royalty
May 6, 2010
I don't believe that's cost effective. EFI requires a lot of fuel pressure. Usually from an in tank pump. The whole EFI idea contradicts the current manufacturer's theory: "It's all throw away in less than five years, so who cares."

Kohler has been using EFI on various engines for 15 years and keeps increasing the EFI line every year. Kawasaki is running some EFI as well as Briggs started with a 810 cc last year. Subaru has two or three, with one in the 7 hp range.

The newer Kohler EFI engines have a high pressure pump mounted on the engine with a mechanical pump to feed the EFI pump. Cost is about $150 over there standard carb engine.


Lawn Pro
Feb 15, 2015
It might be throw away to you in five years but not to me or a lot of people. My Ferris is 15 years old and I plan on keeping it for another 20 years or till I can't run it anymore from old age.

I agree with reynoldston ...... I believe most people using these forums ( at least 60 % --??? ) are here because we do our own maintenance , or at least most of it. I think todays generation ia a throw-away society, very few people are inclined or enthusiastic about D.I.Y. as it was during the period following W.W. II , Of course back then, ....... things were built in AMERICA ...... proudly, and built to last. Today , everything is plastic and recycled garbage , we've sold out the quality, pride , integrity , and most of all the generations of once handed -down , generation to generation of CRAFTSMANSHIP. !!!! I'll agree, we have seen some spectacular advances with todays sophisticated technology, BUT I don't see anything like a Hoover dam , or the monuments in Washington , the Pyramids etc. etc. . Everything I own , I maintain , only when I DON'T have the resources or specialized equipment I need , do I go elsewhere . DRIVE IT TILL THE WHEELS FALL OFF !! , THEN get ANOTHER set of wheels , ..... and keep on going !!!! :thumbsup: