Is this a good deal for a couple Honda Push Mowers?


Apr 13, 2015
Take a look at this. I work down the road from here. Is this a good deal?

Honda Self Propelled Mower Lot

Wow.. That seems reasonable. I would say you need to see the actual condition. There is surely $500 worth of parts alone, if you can sell the parts that is.
Those mowers are $400 each new at the least I would say. That's a lot of time and work to go through 10 mowers! Broken wheels and bent blades are an easy fix. Bent crank shafts and blown transmissions on the other hand are a different matter. If you have the time, money and storage space to go through them and store them, go for it. With all the included parts, you should be able to scavenge from the really bad ones and hopefully get at least a few or more in tip top shape I would guess. Condition is really the key here I would say. I see the post is 25 days old. Are they even still available?