I have a Briggs 14.5 HP, Model 287707, Type 0224-01, Code 970117ZD. The engine had a drain tube installed that extended the drain for the motor oil out past the frame of the tractor. I went to change the oil in the engine and when I turned the cap on the drain tube, the tube turned sideways and broke free from the engine. I do not see this drain tube on the illustrated parts list, so I wonder if it was added to the engine for convenience of draining the oil. My parts list also does not show a drain plug where the drain tube goes into the side of the engine.
Is there a repair for this break? I do have threads that continue into the engine so I might be able to thread the tube further into the existing threads, but I think the housing where the oil comes out of the engine will prevent it. Is there a drain plug made that I might possibly be able to thread, into the threads, that remain inside the housing?
Is it the type of repair that J B Weld might be used?