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Is a gas tank a gas tank?




I was gifted a 6000 watt PowerMate generator that has a rusted fuel tank. I've seen home remedies to clear the rust out but I think it it too far gone including the fuel cap assembly.

The specific replacement gas tank is over $90. I've found other gas tanks that are similar capacity for less than $40.

With this specific generator I'm confident that I can mount the other fuel tank to the metal frame, so the physical fit is a non-issue.

Are all gas cans essentially created equal from a functionality standpoint?

If I replace the tank with one that fits another engine is there anything I should watch out for?

Thanks in advance.



Rocky J

Yes any tank made to hold gas will work, that is best part of plastic tanks , no rust .




Agree with Rocky J, any tank will work. Unless,,, they put a metal tank in because a plastic one might melt from the heat generated by the motor/generator. It takes a lot of heat to do it though so might not be an issue. Guess just try it and keep your eye on it. Good luck :smile:




the vibrations from the generator would surely crack the mounting tabs on the plastic fuel tank



Rocky J

My Generac has a plastic tank from the factory and never had any rust or cracks or leaks. I converted to Propane because the gas was always old and stinking when I needed it . Always at the worst time .5000 W Generator.jpg




both mine have steel tanks, my neighbor has a plastic tank, replaced it last year because the mounting tabs were cracked and he feared it would come off during a storm

If it came with a plastic tank, I am sure that the engineers designed it to withstand the vibrations.......



Rocky J

I would guess the UV Rays of the sun could make the plastic harder with time. It makes PVC plumbing hard like plexi glass and electrical wiring for under ground is cheaper then the above ground because of the UV Rays. See some of the 10 year old Zero Turns with plastic tanks on each side that get left out in the whether that turn the black tanks almost powder white. I grew up with the steel tanks, Motorcycles, tractors, and mowers , rust was just the start to a leaking seam and a plugged up sediment bowl , gas tank sealer from JC Whitney was a hot item . I agree that 5 gallon of gasoline on top of a hot Briggs and Stratton make you wonder how much testing was involved in this product . They use to sell gasoline in glass jugs also ,LOL




Pre 1980 most tanks were made from Terne plate which is lead plated steel, just like tin plate only with lead.
they do not rust inside for a very , very long time and outside usually gets a white powdery appearance after 20 years exposure.
Unfortunately some brain dead idiot moron bastard who never did a day of science in their life decided that the lead form the plating would end up in the petrol ( which it can't ) and thus it had to be abandoned and now petrol tanks rust through in around 5 to 10 years.

And yes UV is a big problem with most plastic tanks and where people get caught is the light that comes in through a shed window and heats the plastic tank 6 hours a day in summer.
