Just curious, isn't there any type of battery hold down that has to be removed? I have always understood any battery has to be held down in the tray to keep the jolting around from damaging the internal connections and shortening the service life.
Detrimental to battery life by being loose must be an old wives tale.
The battery pictured replaced a battery last summer that was 5 years old. The lawn tractor it came out of had a hold down of some sort when it was new but that's been so long ago I don't have the foggiest idea what it looked like. I once had a bungee across it but discovered that wasn't necessary either.
I have a JD LA 135 and it came new without a hold down of any kind. It takes a bit longer to remove, like maybe a couple of minutes if one holds his mouth just right, because it looks as if they built the tractor around the battery compartment. The battery wasn't worth a plug nickel but that another story for another day.