Thank you Thank you! Ive found that different manuals say different things. Must be the different year models. I normally don’t worry about rust on the flywheel because I figure the magnet doesn’t care. But this was really built up. I took a fine brush on my Dremel and cleaned a lot of it off. Then set the gap between the coils and the magnet at .008 but I’ll change it to 0.010.I would order new coil, green wire is possibly ground wire, check schematic in Service Manual above. Remove old coil & wire brush area on flywheel where contact is made. Air Gap on flywheel is 0.010, small business card works just fine. Make sure engine cooling fins etc, are clean as well as complete engine. Brake Parts Cleaner etc. may work on rust, dirt, & grease.![]()
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Thanks for the information I appreciate it. I’ve already removed some of the rust from the magnets with a light brush and Dremel but I didn’t go to bare metal. It was really caked on and pitted looking. I’m going to suggest two new coils because the wires on these don’t look good where they enter the coils.The gap simply changes the spark timing and on mower engines it is not all that critical.
Magnets should never be cleaned it is bad for them
the laminations can be cleaned but again apart from measuring the gap the rust makes absolutely no difference to the spark
Moving closer will advance the timing moving back will retard the spark.
It also changes the flux rate but contry to popular mis belief does not actually the voltage generated
Rust and corrosion will not affect the performance or longevity of engine as long as it is free from dirt, debris, and grass.Thanks for the information I appreciate it. I’ve already removed some of the rust from the magnets with a light brush and Dremel but I didn’t go to bare metal. It was really caked on and pitted looking. I’m going to suggest two new coils because the wires on these don’t look good where they enter the coils.
Does all that I mentioned about the temperatures mean anything?
Also the fins on the heads don’t have any debris in them but have corrosion. I’m trying to figure out what’s best to clean the engine with that won’t cause more aluminum corrosion. Once cleaned I’ll coat it with corrosion x aviation. All the degreasers I see are not safe on aluminum. I read a lot about Totally Awesome on line being safe. I called the company and was told do not use it on aluminum. I have a gallon of Purple power but it’s rough stuff.
Thanks so much. How do I achieve the blue spark?Rust and corrosion will not affect the performance or longevity of engine as long as it is free from dirt, debris, and grass.
Blue spark indicates a nice strong spark, yellow a weaker spark. .010” on air gap on ignition coils. If you feel the need to scrub engine, use a small steel brush, try various cleaners, and air compressor.
I know you’re right about me and you tube. I still go there after figuring out it was not a good place to learn about my outboard motor.OK
First of all you are doing things the wrong way round.
You ask here first , get told the truth then go on You tube to try and find some one who knows what they are talking about ( cuts out about 75% of them ) then watch how they do it .
If the coil has a remote control unit ( often called an exciter ) then you can test it with an Ω meter and the engine manual will list the limits .
If the coil has an embedded Hall Effect trigger chip in it then it becomes a "Module" and it can not be tested with an Ω meter other than a secondary reading on the HT side .
Now fools skim through a manual and see some numbers then they decide that the numbers for a specific engine must be the same for all engines and publish total BS on You Tube .
Once upon a time I tried to correct some of them but that always results in me being abused, flamed & trolled by the presenters loyal disciples who will not tolerate any criticism of their messiah .
To test a module you need an oscilloscope plus the appropriate signal generators and even a flux generator, thousands of dollars worth of gear to test a $ 40 part .
Now the output of a module gets tested with a variable gap meter
B & S make a simple 2 gap one which gives you a pass / fail result or you can get any one of a number that have a moving contact that can be moved further apart till the spark can no longer jump the gap.
However to be of any meaning full value you need to know things like the number of turns on each winding within the coils the strength of the ignition magnet, the air gap between the coil & magnet the air pressure & humidity in your workshop , your altitude etc etc etc .
So in reality a good / bad test is quite enough
The resistance of AIR at 150 psi over a 0.030" gap is roughly equivalent to the resistance of AIR over a 0.50" gap at sea level .
This is how those old Champion plug testers worked
They had a trembler coil in them that produced a consistent stream of sparks and you increased the air pressure around the spark plug till the spark stopped jumping the plug gap .
A great toy for convincing a car owner that perfectly good spark plugs needed to be replaced
And a word of warning about using those sliding contact spark testers
If you are still generating pulses from the engine and the resistance at the testers gap is too great for the electricity to jump then YOU can become the conductive path OUCH or even RIP so you only widen the gap to .05" or till the spark stops whichever happens first .
Makes sense. Thanks for your reply.The spark from a magneto is exponentally related to the speed the magnetic field cuts through the coil
At cranking speed you are at the very bottom limit so you get a cruddy spark
You need to test it at operating speeds , that is what is important
You just need enough of a spark at cranking speed to ignite the charge every now & then .
It is not that all of YouTube is bad for small engines, or any other topic for that matter. The issue is, you gotta sort through the garbage to get to the gold. If you don’t have much knowledge or experience, you may think the garbage is gold.Makes sense. Thanks for your reply.