I'd contact the factory and ask them about that. I didn't appreciate the total disregard of their customer. Although, they may have been taking care of doing the same thing our local dealer did and that was to run you out of warranty.
Ours would put us off knowing I'd be gone months to a year at a time working for the government. Mine even with the extra six hours now only registers 34.8 hours after mowing once this year. The second dealer kept mine outdoors for 5 weeks during all the hurricanes last year. It came back with all kinds of scratches, scuffs, a punctured seat, and rust forming around all the frame holes. There are really good places of business and those that just don't give a damn.
I've found two of those and they are the two closest to me.
The original dealer sold out to a fella that has absolutely zero personality and barely will acknowledge you when you enter their door. Now with all that said, none of the problems were anything more than a few minutes of dealer adjustments and the factory was more than happy to oblige to make you and I happy. Shame on the dealer that doesn't take good care of their customers.
Hustler is a good quality machine and I do not feel badly at Excel Industries.
Good luch Mooch